Family Photography in the Rocky Mountain Foothills
Danielle is a fellow photographer and mama. She and her boys were coming to Colorado for a visit, so naturally, she wanted to get in a family photography session while they were here. The reason? Her little boy, Noah, was suddenly not so little anymore. She wanted to document these fleeting days before they are snuffed out by the beaconing of adolescence. Babies, oh how they do grow up, much quicker than you think too.
Noah reminds me of my son Ellis, I know, I talk about him a lot but, you know what, that’s okay. It feels good to talk about my sweet boy. I can remember when I first saw his squished up face on the other side of the curtain in the OR. So small but also so big. I am sure that Danielle remembers the first time she saw her little boy too. I am sure that mothers save a special space in their soul to etch that memory right on in. To keep and hold forever.
Now we are here mama, your baby boy is growing and his squish is becoming less squishy. He is coming into his own and time will keep ticking by. We have these though. These proofs that there was snuggling, laughter, and tokens of love. I got you mama. I won’t let you forget. I won’t let you forget because I also don’t want to forget. I want to remember my sons wispy hair and scrunchy nose. His belly laugh that is so contagious you can’t help but smile too. I want to remember all the little things that I know will be gone once I blink my eyes.
There can be many reasons why you want to document this season in your life. Danielle and I share a similar story but not everyone has the same circumstances. What is your story? What is your why? Can I help you tell the love story of your family?