Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Black Forest Family Session

The Talluto family and I have hung out before. The last time, it was freezing, snowy, and wet, and miserable. This time, it was golden and warm and wooded and all the things for their family session in Black Forest. I love the galleries from both sessions but they are very different. Not only different in location and colors but these kids have grown! In body and in mind. Their family endured long-distance living so the kids could get the best education they each deserved. It was an experience they all loved but they are stoked to be back together as a unit again, especially because the family dog gets to be loved by all now and the kids are excited about that!

Doing what I do, I connect with all different types and styles of families both in size, nature, and inner workings. I mean, that makes sense. Everyone is unique, and I like it that way. I love this part of the β€œjob”. Getting to know the passions and quirks and lives of the people I am spending time with. Personalities are the best to see evolve, especially over the years when photographing families again and again. I love seeing parts of my children in the children I photograph. It makes it feel super personal and for those moments, I feel what they feel it seems. Empathy can be heavy but it can also be the best thing in the world to be able to pick up on feelings and navigate those strange seas with direction.

Summer Family Session in Black Forest Colorado

The Talluto family and I have hung out before. The last time, it was freezing, snowy, and wet, and miserable. This time, it was golden and warm and wooded and all the things for their family session in Black Forest. I love the galleries from both sessions but they are very different. Not only different in location and colors but these kids have grown! In body and in mind. Their family endured long-distance living so the kids could get the best education they each deserved. It was an experience they all loved but they are stoked to be back together as a unit again, especially because the family dog gets to be loved by all now and the kids are excited about that!

Doing what I do, I connect with all different types and styles of families both in size, nature, and inner workings. I mean, that makes sense. Everyone is unique, and I like it that way. I love this part of the β€œjob”. Getting to know the passions and quirks and lives of the people I am spending time with. Personalities are the best to see evolve, especially over the years when photographing families again and again. I love seeing parts of my children in the children I photograph. It makes it feel super personal and for those moments, I feel what they feel it seems. Empathy can be heavy but it can also be the best thing in the world to be able to pick up on feelings and navigate those strange seas with direction.

Can I hang out with you and your crew and dive into the connections of your family and show you some authentic love and happiness? Pretty please? Let’s connect!

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Wedding, Couples Sandy Patterson Wedding, Couples Sandy Patterson

Black Forest Colorado Backyard Wedding

What a wedding date to be had. Christa and Kevin chose to marry each other on October 10th, 2020 in a small backyard wedding at her parent’s home in Black Forest, Colorado. It was perfect. From the small details to the larger ones. It was all on point. Those flowers even! To die for. Christa and Kevin, thank you so much for allowing me to take part in your beautiful day. Your authentic love really shines through.

You can see all of my favorites from their Wedding day below. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom to see some super fun dancing ones. These few images really spell out who Christa and Kevin are at heart. Silly, authentic, true to themselves and each other. Lovers to the bone.

Backyard Wedding in Black Forest Colorado


What a wedding date to be had. Christa and Kevin chose to marry each other on October 10th, 2020 in a small backyard wedding at her parent’s home in Black Forest, Colorado. It was perfect. From the small details to the larger ones. It was all on point. Those flowers even! To die for. Christa and Kevin, thank you so much for allowing me to take part in your beautiful day. Your authentic love really shines through.

You can see all of my favorites from their Wedding day below. Be sure to scroll down to the bottom to see some super fun dancing ones. These few images really spell out who Christa and Kevin are at heart. Silly, authentic, true to themselves and each other. Lovers to the bone.

Are you planning a 2021 wedding? Want me to take part too? Reach out, say hello and let’s chat about how we can craft your wedding day too. xo

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

At Home Family Session in Black Forest Colorado

I loved documenting this celebration of her first trip around the sun. I feel like family and I am thankful for that. When I get to work with families over the course of years, we grow together and it just feels so darn good. I cannot wait to watch Miss Amelia grow in an amazing person.

Black Forest Family Session with Colorado Springs Photographer

I remember the day I met Paul. I was working for the Quad Innovation Partnership and my client was the Better Business Bureau and the Colorado Institute for Social Impact. I had a desk in their office and Paul was the new guy. I remember him always being super kind and thoughtful. He was always smiling.

Fast forward a few months later and Paul and his then partner Dave reached out to me to photograph their wedding. It was amazing and full of love and family. At the time, Paul and Dave were trying to adopt. Shortly after their wedding, I found out that they were chosen to be the dads to a baby girl they named Amelia.

I have watched Amelia grow with her β€œdada’s” over the past year and I can tell you, she has the sweetest life. She is smart and kind and did I mention smart? She said my name during our session together several times, and each time, my heart was SO full.

I loved documenting this celebration of her first trip around the sun. I feel like family and I am thankful for that. When I get to work with families over the course of years, we grow together and it just feels so darn good. I cannot wait to watch Miss Amelia grow in an amazing person.

Interested in working with me to document your love? I would love to connect. Click the button below to check out family session information. Push play on the slideshow above to see what a session with me could look like and check out my favorites from their session below.

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