Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Family Photography Session in Coastal Oregon

Oh Dani, how can I even begin to write these words, my dear friend? Thank you so much for allowing me to document the authentic love that you and your family share, and on the Oregon coast no less!! This gallery is everything I could have imagined it to be; believe me, I imagined it for a long while.

Dani and I met during a Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop. She was attending the workshop herself but then also modeled with her family for one of the sessions we did as a group. Dani’s bright light of a smile just drew me in. This girl. She is the friend you didn’t know you needed. Always sweet and caring. Always smiling and ready to be kind. I am forever glad that I met her and we remained in touch.

I think that building friendships like the one I have with Dani is what I missed most about last year. The fact that I didn’t get to attend any workshops made me super sad and missing my friends something fierce. Being able to once again snuggle up with the people I love and do all the things together is going to be such a lovely reality soon. I can just feel it.

Authentic Connection Coastal Oregon Family Session

Oh Dani, how can I even begin to write these words, my dear friend? Thank you so much for allowing me to document the authentic love that you and your family share, and on the Oregon coast no less!! This gallery is everything I could have imagined it to be; believe me, I imagined it for a long while.

Dani and I met during a Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop. She was attending the workshop herself but then also modeled with her family for one of the sessions we did as a group. Dani’s bright light of a smile just drew me in. This girl. She is the friend you didn’t know you needed. Always sweet and caring. Always smiling and ready to be kind. I am forever glad that I met her and we remained in touch.

I think that building friendships like the one I have with Dani is what I missed most about last year. The fact that I didn’t get to attend any workshops made me super sad and missing my friends something fierce. Being able to once again snuggle up with the people I love and do all the things together is going to be such a lovely reality soon. I can just feel it.

I want to touch on one more thing, and only because Dani brought it up after our time together. Imposter syndrome. She was actually worried that her family wasn’t as pretty as someone else’s family, WHAT?! She actually wrote those words, friends. Hello? Babe. Have you seen you? Not only are you a beautifully lovely person in your heart, but you also have the most pretty face and I want to squeeze you. Please, look at the gallery below. You are not an imposter and this gallery is life, Dani.

Are you here reading this sweet ode to my friend and thinking something similar yourself? Like you can’t get family photos done because you THINK you aren’t XYZ? Staaaaap it. Right. Now. Each family is different and unique. Each family and beautiful in its own authentic way. The love you share with the people you love is what makes or breaks your session; not how pretty you think (or don’t think) you. If you show up with that love in tow, I promise you a gallery full of authentically soulful moments between you and your fam bam.

Want to hang out with me? I am here for it and I want to hang out with you too! My summer is already starting to book up quickly and I cannot wait to see all the beautiful families and play in some new places. This year has been my busiest year yet and I cannot express my gratitude with enough appreciation for all of those who choose me to document their authentic moments. I can’t wait to document yours too!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Oregon Coast Family Photography Session with Colorado Based Photographer

This family photography session on the coast in Oregon was goals for me, friends. I actually got to photograph two families on this beach on the same weekend while taking my daughter on her 16th birthday road trip and it was glorious. Bristin and her crew are one of those families that I got to hang out within Colorado but then the military took it away, haha. That happens a lot in Colorado Springs with it being home to several military installations.

I try to always find the good parts of what feels like a sad situation, like when families move away. I think the biggest perk when this happens is traveling to them! I LOVE traveling and seeing new spaces and most of all, I love seeing old friends and documenting their authenticity in their new home.

Coastal Oregon Family Session with Colorado Based Travel Photographer

This family photography session on the coast in Oregon was goals for me, friends. I actually got to photograph two families on this beach on the same weekend while taking my daughter on her 16th birthday road trip and it was glorious. Bristin and her crew are one of those families that I got to hang out with in Colorado but then the military took it away, haha. That happens a lot in Colorado Springs with it being home to several military installations.

I try to always find the good parts of what feels like a sad situation, like when families move away. I think the biggest perk when this happens is traveling to them! I LOVE traveling and seeing new spaces and most of all, I love seeing old friends and documenting their authenticity in their new home.

I have wanted to photograph a family on this coastal Oregon beach for over two years. The first time I ever journeyed there was with my lovely friends during a Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop. Space, the people, the weather, the plants, and small insect friends, I fell head over heels in love. Don’t get me wrong, I love our Colorado mountains (and showing all my vacationing clients an amazing time in them) but there is nothing quite like experiencing something new for yourself.

This session and time with friends was a restart to my heart. I truly enjoy my job and every one I get to meet and spend time with but there is something extra special and freeing about just letting it all go and being fluid in the moments you are in. I can pretty much predict what will happen at a family session in Colorado. At this new space, there were things to discover around every corner. Caves, rocks, the ocean, the pines. Who knows, maybe one day we will make the move to Oregon and play with families on this beach often.

Traveling away also allows you to revisit the appreciation you have for where you live. Our mountains are breathtaking and I need to remind myself that they are always majestic. Who knows what my future will hold or where I will live. I just know that wherever that is, it will be filled with nature and earth and good friends.

Are you a past client of mine reading this? Please know that I MISS you with my whole heart. I loved getting to know you while you were in the Springs AND I would love to still hang out with you in your new space too! Let me come to you. Show me around?

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