Photography Tips Sandy Patterson Photography Tips Sandy Patterson

Street Photography Guide with Colorado Photographer

When I was asked to lead a mini session on street photography at the 2018 Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop in Portland, Oregon, I was humbled and honestly beside myself. The group of photographers that frequent the Dear Photographer community are inspiring, uplifting, and downright amazing (just take a look around their Facebook Page and you will see what I mean). I am blessed to be able to take part in such a lovely group. The Elevate + Grow 2019 Workshop that will take place in Austin, Texas is already sold out and I am excited to say that I will be there. This will be my fourth year running with these girls and can I just say how thankful I am to hang my hat in their group.

Guide to Street Photography

β€œIf you want to be a better photographer, stand in front of more interesting stuff” -Jim Richardson

When I was asked to lead a mini session on street photography at the 2018 Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop in Portland, Oregon, I was humbled and honestly beside myself. The group of photographers that frequent the Dear Photographer community are inspiring, uplifting, and downright amazing (just take a look around their Facebook Page and you will see what I mean). I am blessed to be able to take part in such a lovely group. The Elevate + Grow 2019 Workshop that will take place in Austin, Texas is already sold out and I am excited to say that I will be there. This will be my fourth year running with these girls and can I just say how thankful I am to hang my hat in their group.

Recently, Adri De La Cruz, founder of Dear Photographer, asked me to provide a video on street photography for their Dear Photographer Instagram TV channel (a new offering from IG that is totally amazing by the way). With this video I felt that I needed to release this guide to everyone who wanted to dip their toes into street photography but was a little unsure of how to do it too. This guide has information for every level of photographer and is approached as more of a confidence boost for those feeling unsure or nervous about stepping out on the streets.

You can download the FREE 7 page Street Photography PDF guide I created specifically for the workshop by clicking the button below and filling out a few details. The guide will be delivered straight to your inbox and you can either download it to your computer or view it straight from your phone. Thank you for stopping by to check out what this guide is all about and I look forward to seeing your street photography images!

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Couples Sandy Patterson Couples Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Downtown Couples Photo Session

My daughter Emma is the best thing since sliced bread. I had her when I was 18 and she changed my life. It is so weird to see her growing up. Having a boyfriend. Like a real-life, treats her good, there for her, normal relationship boyfriend. In March, she will be 16 and my heart is breaking.

I remember driving to the hospital on the night before she was born. I was so sick. It was a whirlwind of ambulance rides to towns far away and doctors coming into and out of the room and ended with my sleepy sedation as I went into the OR for our emergency C-Section. Emmas birth was followed by several weeks of commuting back and forth to the hospital 2 hours away to see my sweet girl in the NICU. Worth it. Look how amazing she is now.

Downtown Couples Session in Colorado Springs

My daughter Emma is the best thing since sliced bread. I had her when I was 18 and she changed my life. It is so weird to see her growing up. Having a boyfriend. Like a real-life, treats her good, there for her, normal relationship boyfriend. In March, she will be 16 and my heart is breaking.

I remember driving to the hospital on the night before she was born. I was so sick. It was a whirlwind of ambulance rides to towns far away and doctors coming into and out of the room and ended with my sleepy sedation as I went into the OR for our emergency C-Section. Emmas birth was followed by several weeks of commuting back and forth to the hospital 2 hours away to see my sweet girl in the NICU. Worth it. Look how amazing she is now.

As her 16th birthday approaches, I know concretely that the days she will remain by my side are getting shorter than they were before so I must tell myself to slow down. Slow down and take her in. This sweet Pisces girl had ringlets of golden hair and a smile that never faded. She found someone who is kind and generous to her and it just makes me happy that maybe one day she will get to start her own adventure with someone who will care for her as I do.

I am so happy and proud of her. That tiny little four-pound baby who gave us all the scare of our lives when she entered this world. She is finding her authentic way through life and I feel sorry for anyone who doesn’t get a chance to meet her. My shining star. My sun, and my moon. My little girl.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Downtown Colorado Springs Siblings Session

Emily and Eli, you two are the sweetest humans and I am so glad that you picked me to document your sibling love. Eli is my daughter, Emma’s best friend. Eli is so special to me, like my own child. Can I be your surrogate mama? You can’t say no. These two peeps have got this siblinghood thing down. I mean, you cannot look through this gallery and tell me that they don’t like each other. More smiling and laughs than going to the damn amusement park.

Emily had been wanting to schedule something with Eli for a while and my daughter finally sent me a β€œbusiness inquiry” for Emily, haha. I was totally down and we made it happen. I don’t typically shoot downtown Colorado Springs but this really fits them and their personalities to a T. It was perfect, just like them. Thanks for sharing your rawness with me. Your joy with me. Yourselves with me. I love you both with all my heart.

Colorado Springs Downtown Siblings Session

Emily and Eli, you two are the sweetest humans and I am so glad that you picked me to document your sibling love. Eli is my daughter, Emma’s best friend. Eli is so special to me, like my own child. Can I be your surrogate mama? You can’t say no. These two peeps have got this siblinghood thing down. I mean, you cannot look through this gallery and tell me that they don’t like each other. More smiling and laughs than going to the damn amusement park.

Emily had been wanting to schedule something with Eli for a while and my daughter finally sent me a β€œbusiness inquiry” for Emily, haha. I was totally down and we made it happen. I don’t typically shoot downtown Colorado Springs but this really fits them and their personalities to a T. It was perfect, just like them. Thanks for sharing your rawness with me. Your joy with me. Yourselves with me. I love you both with all my heart.

Thinking of booking a photographer to document the love you have for your sibling(s)? I am your girl! I want to take you on an adventure that allows you to open up and be yourself. I want to document the authentic bond you share and give you a gallery that you can look at for the rest of your lives and know that it was true. Send me a message? Click the button below to drop me a line. Let’s chat and connect and make all the things happen!

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This is an example. To display your Instagram posts, double-click here to add an account or select an existing connected account. Learn more
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Personal Project Sandy Patterson Personal Project Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Climate School Strike March Palmer High School

Students from Palmer High School and others gathered in downtown Colorado Springs on Friday September 20th, 2019 to participate in a climate strike march. This march is just one of many marches happening across the country led by young people who want to change and bring voice to the environmental injustices happening on our earth.

Students March at Climate School Strike in Colorado Springs

Students from Palmer High School and others gathered in downtown Colorado Springs on Friday September 20th, 2019 to participate in a climate strike march. This march is just one of many marches happening across the country led by young people who want to change and bring voice to the environmental injustices happening on our earth.

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Sandy Patterson Sandy Patterson

2020 Graduation Session Downtown Colorado Springs

Documenting the relationships we have with others is important. Caroline has spent the last several years of her life pursuing her BSN. Her son, Gabe, has been there with her every step of the way.

UCCS BSN 2020 Graduate Session at Colorado College

Documenting the relationships we have with others is important. Caroline has spent the last several years of her life pursuing her BSN. Her son, Gabe, has been there with her every step of the way.

When Caroline reached out for a session to document her graduation from the UCCS BSN program, I naturally wanted Gabe to be part of the session. Not only was this day about her, it was also about their journey together and how important that was.

I know first hand what it’s like to go through college with your kiddos by your side. They are your biggest cheerleaders and they are the ones who keep you going when you feel like your head might explode.

I know that when they look back at these images, they will remember what they had to get through to get to where they are now. Non traditional college students hold a huge space in my heart. I see you. Let’s document it.

Did you just graduate from college? If you love the images below, let’s talk about how we can document your journey too. I would love to give you these tangible memories that you can hold on to.

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Personal Project Sandy Patterson Personal Project Sandy Patterson

Women’s March on Colorado Springs

January 21, 2017 Womens March on Colorado Springs. Downtown Acacia Park.

Colorado Springs Participates in Country Wide Women’s March


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