Family, Couples Sandy Patterson Family, Couples Sandy Patterson

The Fruits of a Long Marriage

Where to begin? Dana and Tom, this is what 30 years together looks like, friends. Take a moment and soak it all in. Thirty years of laughter, all-nighters, frustration, blissful times, sad times, downright hellish times. I am sure that you two have seen it all with so much tread worn in your journey. When you connect so deeply that you don’t know how else to feel or think. What a world to live in. A world where you are each other’s anchor. Rooted in the ground so firmly that nothing can disturb the solid foundation.

Maybe those are just wild dreams? What if love isn’t any of that? What if love is simply the choice to keep choosing each day to do what moves you. To keep with the vibe until the vibe isn’t what you want anymore? I know that people say that relationships are hard. Damn fact, friends.

Tokens from a Long Marriage,

an Anniversary Session

Where to begin? Dana and Tom, this is what 30 years together looks like, friends. Take a moment and soak it all in. Thirty years of laughter, all-nighters, frustration, blissful times, sad times, downright hellish times. I am sure that you two have seen it all with so much tread worn in your journey. When you connect so deeply that you don’t know how else to feel or think. What a world to live in. A world where you are each other’s anchor. Rooted in the ground so firmly that nothing can disturb the solid foundation.

Maybe those are just wild dreams? What if love isn’t any of that? What if love is simply the choice to keep choosing each day to do what moves you. To keep with the vibe until the vibe isn’t what you want anymore? I know that people say that relationships are hard. Damn fact, friends.

These two have it figured out and being so, they have a lifetime of memories between them to share. I invited Dana and Tom to bring along with them tokens of their 30-year marriage to remember all of the choices they made and keep on making with each other. I love this part of our time together. Going through all the beautiful and important items you’ve brought along. Their daughter, Kayla brought along a sweet surprise. She had collected letters from those close to her parents that share stories about how Dana and Tom influenced their own relationships and lives. I’m not crying. You're crying. Okay, Kayla, Dana, and Tom are crying. It was pretty damn beautiful and I appreciate the vulnerability they had sharing that moment with me.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Fostering a Connection with your Photographer, and Why it’s Important

Having a connection with your photographer is important, friends. Creating rapport and a comfort level that feels good is something that should be strived for. This helps me, your photographer, document your authentic moments, naturally. Connecting with your photographer also allows them to understand your vision for the session and what’s important to you. I truly believe that the more you get to know the person documenting your heart, the better experience overall you are likely to have. I want to document your essence and tell your story through your gallery. Period.

When you have a connection with your photographer, they will be able to understand what you are trying to highlight and will be able to provide you with a gallery that reflects that. For me, the perfect gallery should be able to not only capture the physical details of our time together but also the emotions and personalities of your children that you know and love so well. When looking for a photographer, it is important to find someone who you feel comfortable with and can trust to create with you and document your authentic love and connection.

Connecting with Your Photographer is Important, Here’s Why

Having a connection with your photographer is important, friends. Creating rapport and a comfort level that feels good is something that should be strived for. This helps me, your photographer, document your authentic moments, naturally. Connecting with your photographer also allows them to understand your vision for the session and what’s important to you. I truly believe that the more you get to know the person documenting your heart, the better experience overall you are likely to have. I want to document your essence and tell your story through your gallery. Period.

When you have a connection with your photographer, they will be able to understand what you are trying to highlight and will be able to provide you with a gallery that reflects that. For me, the perfect gallery should be able to not only capture the physical details of our time together but also the emotions and personalities of your children that you know and love so well. When looking for a photographer, it is important to find someone who you feel comfortable with and can trust to create with you and document your authentic love and connection.

Enter me, Hello! I want to be a part of your life. I want to come to birthday parties and celebrations for your kids. I want to cheer you on as you finish your degree. I want to go out and have a drink when you accomplish something amazing in your life. Hit. Me. Up. Courtney, Jeremey, Cayden, Rylen, and Parker are some of my favorite people in the world. I met them when Cayden was just one and I have had the opportunity to follow along with their lives and growing family. Court, your babies are absolutely the sweetest part of life, my friend. I love and am thankful that you continue to include me in your yearly photos and that I get to experience your friendship outside of β€œwork life”. Love you girl!

Anyway, enough of that mush stuff. The point I am trying to make is that whoever you choose as your photographer, be it me or someone else, connect with them. Make sure your photographer values you as a person and listens to your stories and experiences. I promise it is handy when we get to spend time with you in front of our lens. We can see your soul and the more context we have, the more beautiful it can become. So, can I get to know you and your family? Will you share your stories with me?

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Family, Couples Sandy Patterson Family, Couples Sandy Patterson

Large Family Session in Lake George Colorado

It’s not often that I get to photograph a family this large with such a tight connection. Kaitlyn and Thomas, along with their crew of 8 beautifully soulful children joined me in Lake George for an adventure by the water.

I was lucky enough to meet Kaitlyn through my connections at The Fountain Creek Ranch. Their wedding day at the ranch is going to be the most amazing day. I include an engagement session with my wedding coverage and when we met and I saw all those beautiful faces, I just knew we needed to include these kids in their engagement session too! So, engagement session turned family session turned OMG how is my life this lucky session (for me at least, haha).

Kaitlyn and Thomas, look at this beautiful family you have built together. Piece by piece. Through all the steps in life that brought you to this moment. Good and bad. Rough and sad. Sometimes glorious and often times not, this was the reason. I am a firm believer in karma, fate, and serendipity. Our pasts are but a mirage in the far-off distance and the future is bright and clear and warm. Your blended family fits together like it was always meant to be and I am lucky that I get to see that with my own eyes. Thank you for that peek into your love.

Lake George Colorado Large Family Session

It’s not often that I get to photograph a family this large with such a tight connection. Kaitlyn and Thomas, along with their crew of 8 beautifully soulful children joined me in Lake George for an adventure by the water.

I was lucky enough to meet Kaitlyn through my connections at The Fountain Creek Ranch. Their wedding day at the ranch is going to be the most amazing day. I include an engagement session with my wedding coverage and when we met and I saw all those beautiful faces, I just knew we needed to include these kids in their engagement session too! So, engagement session turned family session turned OMG how is my life this lucky session (for me at least, haha).

Kaitlyn and Thomas, look at this beautiful family you have built together. Piece by piece. Through all the steps in life that brought you to this moment. Good and bad. Rough and sad. Sometimes glorious and often times not, this was the reason. I am a firm believer in karma, fate, and serendipity. Our pasts are but a mirage in the far-off distance and the future is bright and clear and warm. Your blended family fits together like it was always meant to be and I am lucky that I get to see that with my own eyes. Thank you for that peek into your love.

Whew, okay, I may or may not have teared up a tiny bit writing that. Kaitlyn deserves all the best and kind words because honest to goodness, she is a light. These clients I meet change me and craft me, day by day, into the person that I have and will continue to evolve into. You pour out what you put in right?

Are you here reading this and feel like we made a connection and haven’t even met yet? I am guessing that you are a sweet soul that loves your children with all your might. You want to dance in the rain and are down for a healthy mix of snuggles and adventure. You want that authentic connection to show through in your image gallery. Me too.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Eleven Mile State Park Adventure Family Session

Danica is a local birth photographer and it was such an honor to document the love her family shares during their session with me. I have gotten to work with Danica and her crew before when I was making a branding film ages ago. They were so sweet and perfect then, just as they are now. These two are parents who are connected to their babes and truly lead by example (well, most days, haha).

We traveled into the mountains to one of my favorites spots at Eleven Mile State Park and explored this glorious, nature-filled space together. My little friends brought along their binoculars, and their free spirits and we chased the sun and each other all evening. It was the best and I was totally there for it.

This year, I want to travel and meet clients in all the beautiful places in Colorado and beyond. Each year I get close and close to the ultimate goal of traveling in my camper and photographing families and couples along during my own adventures with my family. There is a lot that goes into that type of business/lifestyle change so it will be a couple of years, in the meantime, I’ll be taking airplanes and traveling in my trusty car to get to all those hidden gems that I stumble upon.

Adventure Family Session in Eleven Mile State Park

Danica is a local birth photographer and it was such an honor to document the love her family shares during their session with me. I have gotten to work with Danica and her crew before when I was making a branding film ages ago. They were so sweet and perfect then, just as they are now. These two are parents who are connected to their babes and truly lead by example (well, most days, haha).

We traveled into the mountains to one of my favorites spots at Eleven Mile State Park and explored this glorious, nature-filled space together. My little friends brought along their binoculars, and their free spirits and we chased the sun and each other all evening. It was the best and I was totally there for it.

This year, I want to travel and meet clients in all the beautiful places in Colorado and beyond. Each year I get close and close to the ultimate goal of traveling in my camper and photographing families and couples along during my own adventures with my family. There is a lot that goes into that type of business/lifestyle change so it will be a couple of years, in the meantime, I’ll be taking airplanes and traveling in my trusty car to get to all those hidden gems that I stumble upon.

Want to come long on an adventure with me? Soon, I will be adding some β€œbucket list” locations to my location catalog. These are locations that I have scouted but not yet photographed in. I get so excited for new spaces and I can promise you that it will be a wild and worthwhile ride. Let’s connect?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Lake George Fall Family Session

I have been waiting to deliver this session for what seems like ages. I met Sarah at a Tuesday Together networking meeting. During this meeting, she said she really wished she could meet other local photographers who would actually be her friend and have it be genuinely real. I look at her, gave her my card, and said, β€œI’ll be your friend!”. The rest is history and what has really only been a few months but has seemed like a lifetime.

Fall Family Session in Lake George Colorado

Ugh. My heart.

I have been waiting to deliver this session for what seems like ages. I met Sarah at a Tuesday Together networking meeting. During this meeting, she said she really wished she could meet other local photographers who would actually be her friend and have it be genuinely real. I look at her, gave her my card, and said, β€œI’ll be your friend!”. The rest is history and what has really only been a few months but has seemed like a lifetime.

Sarah, her husband Matt, and their two boys Elliott and Ezra are like extensions of my own family. Always there to lend an ear or a hand. I want them to know right now, they don’t fully understand the gravity of my love and adoration for them. I feel thankful to have met such a bright, smart, selfless, caring, and soulful mama that I now get to call my friend.

This place is so special to them and I am glad that we made the drive up to Lake George to explore in a place that they, one day, want to call home. Watching the boys run and play on the boulders and through the grass by the water was magical and a much needed break for me. I felt like I could just create during my time with them. They trusted me to just do my thing and the results speak for themselves.

Sarah, babe, here are just a handful from your that gallery of family images WITH YOU IN THE FRAME you have been waiting for. I love you to the bottom of my heart girl. Enjoy!

Friends, if you are here for these beautiful images and are wondering how you can get on my books too, just click the button below and let’s make it happen. Your kids are only kids for 18 short years. Let’s make the most of the time you have left.

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