Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Wyoming Family Session in Colorado Springs

Kris and her family met with me in Cheyenne Canyon for their family session. Kris and I hit it off straight away when we had our video call and I just knew that I was going to enjoy her company during our time together. I was right. Plenty of laughter and exploration was had the evening we got to meet up. This was the first time Kris and Mike had taken photos since Lachlan was born so it was extra special that they traveled down to see me from Wyoming.

Getting ready for a family session with me involves a few things that I feel are imperative to us having the best time possible. One of those things is completing a questionnaire that I have curated to get to know you and your family a bit better. In this questionnaire, Kris expressed to me that she wanted their gallery to focus on authentic interactions and she was worried about looking β€œoff” in photos. I am so glad when a client shares with me their doubts and worries, this gives us space to talk about them before it’s too late. Kris and I visited about her worries and concerns during our video call and I was able to pay extra attention to those specific things for her and deliver a gallery that she is in love with. I will call that win.

Cheyenne Canyon Family Session with Wyoming Family in Colorado Springs

Kris and her family met with me in Cheyenne Canyon for their family session. Kris and I hit it off straight away when we had our video call and I just knew that I was going to enjoy her company during our time together. I was right. Plenty of laughter and exploration was had the evening we got to meet up. This was the first time Kris and Mike had taken photos since Lachlan was born so it was extra special that they traveled down to see me from Wyoming.

Getting ready for a family session with me involves a few things that I feel are imperative to us having the best time possible. One of those things is completing a questionnaire that I have curated to get to know you and your family a bit better. In this questionnaire, Kris expressed to me that she wanted their gallery to focus on authentic interactions and she was worried about looking β€œoff” in photos. I am so glad when a client shares with me their doubts and worries, this gives us space to talk about them before it’s too late. Kris and I visited about her worries and concerns during our video call and I was able to pay extra attention to those specific things for her and deliver a gallery that she is in love with. I will call that win.

What’s more, I got to spend this past weekend exploring some pretty amazing outdoor spaces with Kris and Lachlan in Wyoming, where they hang their hats. I love when relationships with my clients blossom into something beautiful like this. It’s really what makes me the happiest. Connections with good people. You can’t go wrong. Our hike at Vedauwoo quickly turned into boulder and rock scrambling across flats, water, and a scattering of snow. Nearly 8 miles later, we had made it back to the car with everyone’s limbs intact. #winning. Kris had these amazing Skippy peanut butter balls along with juice and it was like the world had laid its jewels at my feet. So. Good. Thank you, friend.

Making connections with the people I work with makes sense. After all, we are connecting over the thing that moves us most, our authentic connections with the ones we love. It takes a special heart to seek authenticity AND to show it. Believe me, when I say, you’ve come to the right place. My heart is (sometimes) painfully open and ready to love on yours. I want to know your story and I want to know your why. I feel so lucky to be able to contribute to the world in the way that I do. Showing that there is love and I can prove it. I can’t think of anything else I would rather be doing with my life.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Authentic Connection Cheyenne Canon Family Session

Lisa, oh Lisa. Mama, you waited so long to have your family session with me. Your kiddos are another year older and you finally got to take that Colorado trip to see me! Lisa had scheduled her family session with me last year, but as all things, COVID threw a wrench into her plans and we had to postpone. It was certainly worth the wait.

These kids are firecrackers and lovers to their core, you can just feel it. Smiling and full of happy. I know I talk about it a lot but I really do wish I could perpetually be a kid. The world seemed so much bigger and overall, the problems felt smaller. I can imagine that allows for more of the happy to shine through. Kiddos radiate unfiltered love and curiosity. I. Am. Jealous. I’m not too proud to admit it. Being an adult does have its perks though. Being able to eat whatever you want is my favorite one, haha.

Lisa, oh Lisa. Mama, you waited so long to have your family session with me. Your kiddos are another year older and you finally got to take that Colorado trip to see me! Lisa had scheduled her family session with me last year, but as all things, COVID threw a wrench into her plans and we had to postpone. It was certainly worth the wait.

These kids are firecrackers and lovers to their core, you can just feel it. Smiling and full of happy. I know I talk about it a lot but I really do wish I could perpetually be a kid. The world seemed so much bigger and overall, the problems felt smaller. I can imagine that allows for more of the happy to shine through. Kiddos radiate unfiltered love and curiosity. I. Am. Jealous. I’m not too proud to admit it. Being an adult does have its perks though. Being able to eat whatever you want is my favorite one, haha.

Lisa and her family, as you can see from their gallery, are authentically connected. Truly. Their connection is the connection I am seeking when I meet up with you and your family. Each family holds their own stories and ways they show their appreciation and admiration for one another. That is probably the best part about this job. Watching that authenticity bud and grow during our time together.

Hello friend, here reading about Lisa’s family, I would love to work with you and yours too! You can click the button below for more information about my family sessions and to take a peek at my booking calendar. See you soon!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

The Importance of Extended Family Sessions

This family traveled to Colorado Springs on vacation and met with me to have an extended family session. To get everyone together and document was so lovely and important. They take a vacation each year and decided that Colorado Springs would be perfect for them this time around.

I wish that when I was a kid and my family and I got together, that we did an extended family session like this. My mom has five sisters and I have 14 cousins. Each year when I was a little girl, most of us would travel to my aunt’s home in Ohio each year for Thanksgiving. I have a bunch of home photos but I can’t remember a time when we ever did a professional session like this.

Mountain View Colorado Springs Extended Family Session

These sweet humans traveled to Colorado Springs on vacation and met with me to have an extended family session. To get everyone together and document was so lovely and important. They take a vacation each year and decided that Colorado Springs would be perfect for them this time around.

I wish that when I was a kid and my family got together, we did an extended family session like this. My mom has five sisters and I have 14 cousins. Each year when I was a little girl, most of us would travel to my aunt’s home in Ohio for Thanksgiving. I have a bunch of home photos but I can’t remember a time when we ever did a professional session like this.

Looking back, I love those home taken photos but I think that there is just something extra special about everyone being in the frame at once. Enjoying each other’s company to the fullest and having someone else there to capture the authentic happiness a family has.

Sara, thank you for choosing me to show you your sweet family love. Thank you for trusting me with these heirloom images that your children will be able to look back on with joy when they are older. Thank you for reaching out and sharing your vision with m. Thank you for letting me bring it to life. I really appreciate you.

Friend, if you are here reading this and want to chat about your own extended family session, reach out. I am happy to help you craft a time together with me that will truly reflect the authentic nature of your family. Cousins laughing and playing. Mom/Dad (Grandma/Grandpa) watching over everything they created and you bridging that gap in between. Check out my family session information below. It talks a little about my process and what types of family collections I offer. See you soon!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Mama and Daughter Colorado Springs Mountain View Session

Maria wanted to adventure with her sweet girl Charli and have me document their mother/daughter relationship. We met in Cheyenne Canyon and let Charli lead our time together. She is an adventurous little girl and I had so much fun following her lead as we journeyed through the area.

Sessions that focus on motherhood are special to me. I have five children in this blended family of mine. Each one of them is special in their own unique way and they all whole my heart. Maria wanted our session to focus on the love she has for Charli and the love Charli has for her. I wanted their clothing to be simple so we could really allow their connection to shine through. Charli is wearing a sweet little dress from my client closet and Maria was able to find the perfect dress for her using my online styling service.

Mountain View Mama and Daughter Session in Colorado Springs

Maria wanted to adventure with her sweet girl Charli and have me document their mother/daughter relationship. We met in Cheyenne Canyon and let Charli lead our time together. She is an adventurous little girl and I had so much fun following her lead as we journeyed through the area.

Sessions that focus on motherhood are special to me. I have five children in this blended family of mine. Each one of them is special in their own unique way and they all whole my heart. Maria wanted our session to focus on the love she has for Charli and the love Charli has for her. I wanted their clothing to be simple so we could really allow their connection to shine through. Charli is wearing a sweet little dress from my client closet and Maria was able to find the perfect dress for her using my online styling service.

During our time together, we spent time jumping on trails and rocks. Maria and Charli explored little fields of flowers and danced like no one was watching. Mama and daughter, enjoying their time together with me documenting along the way. It was the best way to spend my evening. Seeing their love bloom.

Are you thinking of a family or mama and daughter/son session? I would love to work with you and document this season of your life. Let’s connect!

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Sandy Patterson Sandy Patterson

Colorado Self Love Mountain Session

She danced to mariachi music swirling around a sarape, she wore clothes that brought her back to her Mexican roots and she incorporated her sisters' pashmina for a session that truly reflected the beauty that she most certainly is.

A Journey to Reclaiming Yourself in Colorado Springs

I first met Celi during an extended family session back in December of last year. She and her family gathered together for short 15 minutes on a chilly day and we made magic near the mountains. Celi reached out to me shortly after, sharing with me that she wanted to work with me on a project where she would be the main subject. She was interested in doing a β€œnon-traditional headshot” session for her blog and her real estate business.

When a client schedules a session with me, we also schedule a time to talk about their session, a pre-session meeting. Sometimes clients prefer to do these over video chat and not so often, in person. Celi wanted to meet in person and I am so glad we did.

During our hour long conversation at Loyal Coffee in Downtown Colorado Springs (my favorite place to meet clients), Celi and I talked about her β€œwhy”. Why did she want this session? What did it mean to her? This conversation was an especially important one to have as I normally photograph families and this session was quite different.

Celi started talking about her life when I asked her about her why. She has been a caregiver in one form or another her whole life. She spoke lovingly of the people she cared for. Her parents, siblings, children. I could tell that she genuinely enjoyed that time, and now, now, she was reaching a time now that will allow her to focus more on herself. A time that will allow her to reinvent herself. Re-find herself. Discover herself all over again. That was her why and it gave me the fuel to make our time together exactly what she needed.

She danced to mariachi music swirling around a sarape, she wore clothes that brought her back to her Mexican roots and she incorporated her sisters' pashmina for a session that truly reflected the beauty that she most certainly is. Towards the end of our session, I asked Celi to sit quietly and reflect on the things that she hopes for herself this year and the why behind those things.

She chose to share one of those thoughts with me. She told me that, to her, our lives do not exist merely for ourselves and what we want out of life. Instead, we exist to be able to intersect with others. To share our experiences and our journeys so that we might be able to feel like one big interwoven society of human beings. That is some powerful stuff. She cried, I cried.

Celi, I am so thankful for your heart. Your selfless and kind heart. You make me want to sing and dance and share the love I have and the journey I have been on with others. I know you are going to do amazing things this year and beyond. I cannot wait to see where you go.

Here are some of my favorites from our time together, before the state stay at home order. Before the chaos really hit home. This was my last official session before we were told we can’t anymore. I am hoping that this will all be over soon and our loved ones will be with us and we can hug tight those who we haven’t been able to in so long. Until then. Here is Celi in her beauty.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Photographer Branding Video Model Call

Colorado Springs Photographer, Sandy Fales is looking for a model family to have a family photography session in the brand film being created for Wild Prairie Photography.

Wild Prairie Photography, a Colorado Springs Photographer is looking for a model family!

Hello everyone!! I am pleased to announce that I am having a brand film made for Wild Prairie Photography!! The purpose of the model call is to find a family that would love to model for me for this film! The filming will take place on June 20th, 2018 between 6 and 8ish, possibly later. I am looking for a family of four. Any combination of parents is fine (we are inclusive over here!) and two kiddos whose ages range from 3-6 (but feel free to reach out if your kiddos are slightly older or younger) is the ideal model family for this project. This application will stay up for a week or two and then I will review all of the families who would like to do the model call! 

The session will take place in Colorado Springs and have mountain views. To thank the model family for their time, I will be giving them their entire gallery as well as access to the brand film to share and a photomontage of their session with me for free. Thank you, thank you!

It is important to me that the model family chosen is open to allowing me to style their wardrobe. This could involve using clothing you already have if you fit the style I am looking for, or purchasing clothing for the session. I will be there every step of the way with your clothing choices to make sure your look is flawless and the film is amazing!

To let me know you are interested in your family modeling for me, please fill out the form below. Thank you so much to everyone and much love!! <3


P.S. Applications for this model call are now closed. Look for the video coming soon!

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