Maternity, Newborn Sandy Patterson Maternity, Newborn Sandy Patterson

Three Reasons You Should Book Your Maternity and Newborn Sessions Together

Erin and Bobby met with me for both their maternity and their newborn sessions. We explored Cheyenne Canyon for their maternity session and then snuggled up in their home for my time with baby Sawyer. I love working with clients through their life stories. Engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn, family, and then back through the cycle with each new babe. Seeing their family change and grow. From being madly in love to seeing how amazing your partner is at growing a whole person (and an organ, thank you), to holding that babe in your arms, to chasing them around on the mountainside, I want to be there for it all. I want to build that relationship with you. It’s not just about photography. It’s about your heart (and mine).

Let me tell you a story about this girl. This sweet mama here. She booked her newborn session with me and I was so excited to see babe when they arrived. Fast forward to a few months after she booked the newborn session, her husband, Bobby, reached out to me. Turns out Erin tried to take her own maternity photos and it just wasn’t what she envisioned. Bobby wanted to know if I could sneak them in last minute. Yasssssssss is almost always my answer when its past clients (I also did their couples photos) AND babies are involved because I love them so.

Why Booking Your Maternity and Newborn Sessions Together is Smart

Erin and Bobby met with me for both their maternity and their newborn sessions. We explored Cheyenne Canyon for their maternity session and then snuggled up in their home for my time with baby Sawyer. I love working with clients through their life stories. Engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn, family, and then back through the cycle with each new babe. Seeing their family change and grow. From being madly in love to seeing how amazing your partner is at growing a whole person (and an organ, thank you), to holding that babe in your arms, to chasing them around on the mountainside, I want to be there for it all. I want to build that relationship with you. It’s not just about photography. It’s about your heart (and mine).

Let me tell you a story about this girl. This sweet mama here. She booked her newborn session with me and I was so excited to see babe when they arrived. Fast forward to a few months after she booked the newborn session, her husband, Bobby, reached out to me. Turns out Erin tried to take her own maternity photos and it just wasn’t what she envisioned. Bobby wanted to know if I could sneak them in last minute. Yasssssssss is almost always my answer when its past clients (I also did their couples photos) AND babies are involved because I love them so.

Bobby let me know that he wanted to surprise Erin with this session and we met up at a Starbucks and he picked up a gift card. Fast forward to our session, Erin got to wear a beautiful dress I had just picked up from Reclamation Design and she wore it like a damn queen with that mama's belly and her gorgeous hair (I am just a tad jealous). It was nice to catch up with them both during this time together and also via their video call to prepare to come to their home for their newborn session. All of the extra time together just made it that much more special and natural for me when sweet Sawyer arrived.

Okay, I did say I would give ya’ll three reasons you should book your maternity and newborn session together….here they are:

  1. You get to foster a relationship with someone who is going to be getting pretty intimate with you during your newborn session. It is so nice to be able to get to know them beforehand (it’s nice for me to get to know you too!!)

  2. You can be confident that you will get the same quality of service and the same style of images from your photographer. Hello, super pretty wall art spreads!

  3. You get a discount! When you book your sessions together, the photographer most likely will offer you a discount (I do, you can request a proposal below to check out the details).

Super easy list of some things you might not think matter but I promise, connecting with the person who is documenting your connection is the best way to get those β€œfeel good” images that evoke emotion and depth in your soul. I would love to work through your life journey with you. Want to share those moments with me so I can give them back to you in a gallery you will love? Let’s connect!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Motherhood Session in North Cheyenne Canyon

Mamas and their sons, I cannot think of anything sweeter. This North Cheyenne Canyon motherhood session was such a nice way to start my spring sessions. Abbey and her son, Lucas, explored one of my favorite trails in the canyon on a lazy Sunday afternoon with me.

It was not long ago that my son, Ellis was this small. His hair was long and whispy and his eyes curious and full of wonder for the world around him. I can picture him perfectly in my mind. Best friend’s peanut butter and jelly t-shirt on with a dirty sticky face, ear to ear grin, his tiny teeth on parade when he laughed. He had a pretty prominent speech issue and I love it when I find videos of him singing along in his own little way. G’s become d sounds, s’s become y sounds. The rap of a toddler.

Little Lucas here, he and his mama share these same moments. Years from now, when she sees these images, she will be ushered back. Sticky hands and faces, stolen bites of candy, and pockets full of rocks. Lucas will only grow and grow and now his mama has this gallery to help her earmark some of those smaller memories that you don’t ever want to lose.

North Cheyenne Canyon Motherhood Session

Mamas and their sons, I cannot think of anything sweeter. This North Cheyenne Canyon motherhood session was such a nice way to start my spring sessions. Abbey and her son, Lucas, explored one of my favorite trails in the canyon on a lazy Sunday afternoon with me.

It was not long ago that my son, Ellis was this small. His hair was long and whispy and his eyes curious and full of wonder for the world around him. I can picture him perfectly in my mind. Best friend’s peanut butter and jelly t-shirt on with a dirty sticky face, ear to ear grin, his tiny teeth on parade when he laughed. He had a pretty prominent speech issue and I love it when I find videos of him singing along in his own little way. G’s become d sounds, s’s become y sounds. The rap of a toddler.

Little Lucas here, he and his mama share these same moments. Years from now, when she sees these images, she will be ushered back. Sticky hands and faces, stolen bites of candy, and pockets full of rocks. Lucas will only grow and grow and now his mama has this gallery to help her earmark some of those smaller memories that you don’t ever want to lose.

Photos are wonderfully powerful and taking the time to get in the frame with those little ones is such a gift to give yourself. Let me help you keep tight of those memories. I would love to work with you and your family to document the authentic love you share for each other. We can take the time and explore nature together while you are fully present with your family. Let me hang out with you and provide you with a gallery of your love at the end. You can check out the family session collections I offer by clicking the button below.

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Couples Sandy Patterson Couples Sandy Patterson

Couples Anniversary Session in Cheyenne Canyon

Whew! I am coming out of the woods guys. My October was insanely busy with sessions this year! I had 22 sessions in 30 days, which is insane. I wanted to get everyone in and I did it, even if gallery delivery times had to be extended a bit to accommodate everyone. When I deliver a gallery like this, I know that, just like the painful waiting of closing on a house, or having a baby, when you get your final product, you forget all about the waiting. You are just so happy with the end result that you focus on that goodness. Madeline, I know you have been waiting for this gallery for longer than you expected but I know that you are going to love it!

Cheyenne Canyon Anniversary Couples Session in Colorado Springs

Whew! I am coming out of the woods guys. My October was insanely busy with sessions this year! I had 22 sessions in 30 days, which is insane. I wanted to get everyone in and I did it, even if gallery delivery times had to be extended a bit to accommodate everyone. When I deliver a gallery like this, I know that, just like the painful waiting of closing on a house, or having a baby, when you get your final product, you forget all about the waiting. You are just so happy with the end result that you focus on that goodness. Madeline, I know you have been waiting for this gallery for longer than you expected but I know that you are going to love it!

2020 has been a year of unexpected successes for my business. I thought this year was going to be tough, a struggle. I don’t know what finally clicked but something did and I can confidently say that I am looking forward to 2021 and even though this year was amazing, next year is going to be even better. Are you thinking of booking your own couples or family session with me for 2021? I would love to connect with you and craft a session in a location that you love. All the way from session prep that includes wardrobe and location help, to clear communication about what to expect and when to expect it to sneak peeks and a beautiful gallery delivery, let me take your photography experience to the next level.

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This is an example. To display your Instagram posts, double-click here to add an account or select an existing connected account. Learn more
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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

North Cheyenne Canyon Colorado Springs Family Session

I want to let you in on a little secret of mine. I want to be a kid. Perpetually. I want to dress crazy and make goofy faces. I want to talk gibberish and eat all the candy. I want to dance until the sun comes up and sleep all day only to wake up and watch cartoons and eat pizza and ice cream. I know that as an adult I can’t do these things on a regular basis, but believe you me, I DO DO THEM SOMETIMES!! Honestly, I wish that I could all the time. That is my why for shooting families and especially kiddos.

Colorado Springs Family Session in North Cheyenne Canyon

Okay, I am going to admit something. Kids are amazing. I know, I know, you probably already knew that I felt that way. With this blog post, I am going to tell you why.

As adults, we naturally sort ourselves out into a space in the world that follows rules, cares what others think, etc. Things need to be in order. We (most of us) feel the need to please others. Am I striking a chord here? I do. You do it. We all do it whether we like to admit it or not. We strive to be the people that others want us to be.

Kids don’t feel that way, at least not until they are a bit older. Sure, we make rules for them and tell them how we think they should act. Being a mama to five sweet babes, I know in my heart of hearts that those are just unrealistic expectations, and sad ones at that. Kids want to be free and they DO IT. They want to laugh and play and dance and just be themselves. What’s more, they don’t really care if others think it’s weird or out of place. They just do it because they feel it in their bones.

I want to let you in on a little secret of mine. I want to be a kid. Perpetually. I want to dress crazy and make goofy faces. I want to talk gibberish and eat all the candy. I want to dance until the sun comes up and sleep all day only to wake up and watch cartoons and eat pizza and ice cream. I know that as an adult I can’t do these things on a regular basis, but believe you me, I DO DO THEM SOMETIMES!! Honestly, I wish that I could all the time. That is my why for shooting families and especially kiddos.

For the time we are together, I get to let that side of me out. I get to make fart and burp jokes and the kids laugh, I laugh and I am sure parents are thinking, who IS this lady. haha. I have a theory and an ethos that I solidly live behind when working with families. I promise you, if kids are having the time of their lives, their parents are too.

You know that feeling when you give your kid a gift or tell them how amazing they are and they beam from ear to ear. You can’t help but smile too. Thinking about it for a minute, am I right? That is the goal with the time I spend with families. I focus on the kids being happy and the rest is just cake. When kids fall apart, parents feel the pressure and start wondering if everything is going okay. When kids are happy, they forget all about those logistics and they really start to have fun with those babes they love so dear.

Does what I just shared resonate with you? Do you want to come journey with me and feel like you too can be a kid again with your babes? Do you want to let all of the stress go when it comes to a family photography session and just let things come back to where it all started? Being free. Being open. Feeling loved. Loving without regard. Truly having an amazing time with your kids? Then I am the photographer you have been looking for. Can we create that amazing feeling together? Reach out, I would love to help you with that!

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Family, Maternity Sandy Patterson Family, Maternity Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Family Maternity Session in Cheyenne Canyon

If you are sitting there reading through this post, I am guessing that you either know Steph or you have thought about having a session with me. If you know Steph, welcome, isn’t she and her broad gorgeous? If you are here because you have been thinking about working with me, what is stopping you? Let’s make this magic happen and document your family’s love story.

Mountain View Family Maternity Session in Colorado Springs

Stephanie reached out to me several months ago about booking both her maternity session and her newborn session with me. Guys, she bought this dress in January of this this year. I could tell that this day was important to her because of the forethought she had put in so I knew I had to make sure her gallery reflected the true nature of their love.

I am so lucky to be able to document them again when sweet babe is born. For them to trust me to create beautiful timeless galleries, that means the world to me. I cannot to snuggle your tiny squish Steph. It is going to be perfect chaos along with some tender quiet moments. You are going to love it.

If you are sitting there reading through this post, I am guessing that you either know Steph or you have thought about having a session with me. If you know Steph, welcome, isn’t she and her broad gorgeous? If you are here because you have been thinking about working with me, what is stopping you? Let’s make this magic happen and document your family’s love story.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

First Birthday Session in Colorado Springs with Mountain Views

The Sloans and I met this past fall during a mini session. Their sweet girl had the biggest prettiest eyes ever. Getting to see Eleanor again, and to document her first birthday was such a special thing. Seeing families, again and again, makes for fast introductions and lots of time to explore, adventure, and play.

First Birthday Family Session with Mountain Views in Colorado Springs

The Sloans and I met this past fall during a mini session. Their sweet girl had the biggest prettiest eyes ever. Getting to see Eleanor again, and to document her first birthday was such a special thing. Seeing families, again and again, makes for fast introductions and lots of time to explore, adventure, and play.

Eleanor is learning how to walk and we had great times letting her play in the grass. She wasn’t quite sure about the shoes, haha. I am sure all you mama’s can relate. It was such a lovely time in her life to document, and Jill, I know you will love this gallery so much. Eleanor’s personality just shines in the images. Happy Sweet Birthday to her, your baby girl. Thank you for letting me tag along for your adventure with her.

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Couples, Engagement Sandy Patterson Couples, Engagement Sandy Patterson

Cheyenne Canyon Couples Session in Colorado Springs

I always meet clients prior to their session (yes, ALL of my clients save mini sessions) and during that meeting, Yulia said something I will carry with me always. When I asked her what she loved most about her relationship with Logan, she didn’t take much time to ponder and told me that she loves how each day is like a new high for her. Some relationships start off high and you are continually trying to get that feeling back. For Yulia and Logan, their relationship started slowly and continues to build, one day upon the next, getting better with each breath. I can’t top that. Wow. What a love.

Colorado Springs Couples Session with a Mountain View

I first met Yulia during my time working for the Quad Innovation Partnership at Colorado College. While working for the Quad, I spent a lot of my time in the basement of Loyal Coffee in downtown Colorado Springs, where the Quad hosts its student-lead programs. Yulia was always so extra sweet to me and I felt drawn to her vibe, if that’s even a thing. She also makes the BEST toast. Ask my daughter, Emma, she will agree.

Yulia and I got to chatting and she told me that she was engaged. I love to give back to those who make me feel extra special so I offered her a no strings attached engagement session for her and her love. Partly because it feels wonderful to be able to give back to those who deserve it and partly because there is something special about β€œshooting for yourself”. Creative freedom is something that I want to keep alive in my soul and Yulia was so sweet and let me run with their session.

I always meet clients prior to their session (yes, ALL of my clients save mini sessions) and during that meeting, Yulia said something I will carry with me always. When I asked her what she loved most about her relationship with Logan, she didn’t take much time to ponder and told me that she loves how each day is like a new high for her. Some relationships start off high and you are continually trying to get that feeling back. For Yulia and Logan, their relationship started slowly and continues to build, one day upon the next, getting better with each breath. I can’t top that. Wow. What a love.

Here are some of my favorites from their session. They show their authentic love. They show their soulful connection. These images highlight simple love. The best kind.

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