Ute Valley Colorado Springs Family Session

Colorado Springs Family Session in Ute Valley

Laura and her crew (pups too) came and hung out with me after a long time of waiting. We had to reschedule their family session at Ute Valley Park several times due to weather and changing schedules and all the things that come with doing this thing called life. Sometimes that happens, friends. Life gets in the way of doing the things that we want to do, the things we should do, and everything in between.

It has been a while since I’ve blogged anything. If I am being honest, it is because I lack what to say, dear friends. Life has been hard lately. Hard af. I’m in spaces I didn’t think I would be in again. Dealing with changes to life and family. Those things are delicate and figuring them out is like walking a tightrope that has a little too much slack in it when you need it to be solid. So, we do what we do, and we struggle with the end in sight, even if the end is too far to reach out and grasp. It is there. It is always there. Right?

So, with my lack of words, here I am, trying to get some beauty out in the world that was created with my hands, my mind, and my heart. This sweet family connected and I was there to witness it. The struggle of being a family. The struggle of pets, of kids, of things we can’t see on the surface. I am struggling too, but, I am here. I will continue to be here. Coming out of my shell slowly. Dipping my toes into the turbulent waters of life inch by inch until I can either learn to swim in the wreck or the sea gives me mercy. Either way, I am here.

Sandy Patterson

Mountain wanderer, barefoot mama who enjoys hammock lounging, tight hugs and freckled faces. I love my life and want to show you how amazing yours is too!


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