Couples, Maternity Sandy Patterson Couples, Maternity Sandy Patterson

Pikes Peak View Maternity Session in Woodland Park

Ten years. That is a long time to wait for something you want so badly. Their time is finally here though and it is the best damn thing in this world. Lauran and Colt have waited so long for this. Ready to be parents. Arms open and warm. The thing is, when you have to wait so long for something, when it finally happens, you cherish it. I mean really cherish it. Every moment. Every feeling. Every thought. I am here for it friends. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me. I cannot say enough how honored I am to be the one who sets these moments in stone.

A Lifetime Waiting, a Maternity Session in Woodland Park

Ten years. That is a long time to wait for something you want so badly. Their time is finally here though and it is the best damn thing in this world. Lauran and Colt have waited so long for this. Ready to be parents. Arms open and warm. The thing is, when you have to wait so long for something, when it finally happens, you cherish it. I mean really cherish it. Every moment. Every feeling. Every thought. I am here for it friends. Thank you so much for sharing your journey with me. I cannot say enough how honored I am to be the one who sets these moments in stone.

Lauran reached out to me to book a maternity/newborn bundle session. With each client, I send a questionnaire over to understand their why for wanting a session. I will admit, I cried happy tears when Lauran shared their story with me. I couldn’t wait to talk to her during our pre-session video call. To tell her how happy I was that she picked me. I know there are a lot of options out there for someone to document your story and the fact that she (and Colt) chose me to tell their story for me, that’s a feeling beyond words.

In just a few short days I get to meet this sweet girl of theirs. I get to see who she looks like more. I get to witness that undying love between a mother and her babe. Those first snuggles. Those first kisses. Those first moments that are ever so fleeting and gone before you know it. I know it sounds cheesy to say β€œI love documenting” but this is different. In the future, when they are done changing diapers and their babe heads off to college, they can look back at these and remember what it took to get to this point. To be here. Thank you for including me in your authentically beautiful journey. From the bottom of my heart.

Interested in talking with me about how I can create a gallery like this for you? Send me a message and tell me your why. I would love to soulfully capture your pregnancy and those first moments of your sweet babes life. Truly.

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Engagement, Couples Sandy Patterson Engagement, Couples Sandy Patterson

Adventure Engagement Session in Cheyenne Wyoming

Shelby and I carefully planned out their Rocky Mountain National Park engagement session. Things didn’t go quite as planned when COVID-19 forced the park closed and for us to reevaluate our options to get them the engagement session they had waited so long for.

Sun soaked Travel Engagement Session with Colorado Photographer in Wyoming

Shelby and her handsome rancher fiance Brady were put in contact with me through Breanna Rein of Rein Photography, she’s a Nebraska family, wedding and senior photographer you can check out by clicking here. Shelby was looking for a wedding photographer and our styles and vibe were similar, we were a match waiting to happen.

Shelby and I carefully planned out their Rocky Mountain National Park engagement session. Things didn’t go quite as planned when COVID-19 forced the park closed and for us to reevaluate our options to get them the engagement session they had waited so long for.

We made a new plan to meet in Cheyenne, Wyoming at a location that I can only say surprised me. It was beautiful, in the middle of nowhere, and all ours to explore.

My daughter and I drove up early the day of their session and scouted this new haven. So much to see and the day was so beautiful. I hiked over 8 miles that day looking for the perfect spots to take them. It was worth every aching muscle a few days after haha.

Shelby and Brady hiked with me, through the marsh, along the trails and explored barefoot by the water. It was the perfect day that sealed with the most amazing sun-soaked sunset. The light drenched us and it made my soul feel warm and happy.

Going on adventures with beautiful couples for their engagement session makes for days that I can be thankful for. Days that I can remember and that they can remember too. These are my favorite images from their engagement session in Cheyenne, Wyoming.

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Couples, Engagement Sandy Patterson Couples, Engagement Sandy Patterson

Cheyenne Canyon Couples Session in Colorado Springs

I always meet clients prior to their session (yes, ALL of my clients save mini sessions) and during that meeting, Yulia said something I will carry with me always. When I asked her what she loved most about her relationship with Logan, she didn’t take much time to ponder and told me that she loves how each day is like a new high for her. Some relationships start off high and you are continually trying to get that feeling back. For Yulia and Logan, their relationship started slowly and continues to build, one day upon the next, getting better with each breath. I can’t top that. Wow. What a love.

Colorado Springs Couples Session with a Mountain View

I first met Yulia during my time working for the Quad Innovation Partnership at Colorado College. While working for the Quad, I spent a lot of my time in the basement of Loyal Coffee in downtown Colorado Springs, where the Quad hosts its student-lead programs. Yulia was always so extra sweet to me and I felt drawn to her vibe, if that’s even a thing. She also makes the BEST toast. Ask my daughter, Emma, she will agree.

Yulia and I got to chatting and she told me that she was engaged. I love to give back to those who make me feel extra special so I offered her a no strings attached engagement session for her and her love. Partly because it feels wonderful to be able to give back to those who deserve it and partly because there is something special about β€œshooting for yourself”. Creative freedom is something that I want to keep alive in my soul and Yulia was so sweet and let me run with their session.

I always meet clients prior to their session (yes, ALL of my clients save mini sessions) and during that meeting, Yulia said something I will carry with me always. When I asked her what she loved most about her relationship with Logan, she didn’t take much time to ponder and told me that she loves how each day is like a new high for her. Some relationships start off high and you are continually trying to get that feeling back. For Yulia and Logan, their relationship started slowly and continues to build, one day upon the next, getting better with each breath. I can’t top that. Wow. What a love.

Here are some of my favorites from their session. They show their authentic love. They show their soulful connection. These images highlight simple love. The best kind.

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