Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

North Cheyenne Canyon Colorado Springs Family Session

I want to let you in on a little secret of mine. I want to be a kid. Perpetually. I want to dress crazy and make goofy faces. I want to talk gibberish and eat all the candy. I want to dance until the sun comes up and sleep all day only to wake up and watch cartoons and eat pizza and ice cream. I know that as an adult I can’t do these things on a regular basis, but believe you me, I DO DO THEM SOMETIMES!! Honestly, I wish that I could all the time. That is my why for shooting families and especially kiddos.

Colorado Springs Family Session in North Cheyenne Canyon

Okay, I am going to admit something. Kids are amazing. I know, I know, you probably already knew that I felt that way. With this blog post, I am going to tell you why.

As adults, we naturally sort ourselves out into a space in the world that follows rules, cares what others think, etc. Things need to be in order. We (most of us) feel the need to please others. Am I striking a chord here? I do. You do it. We all do it whether we like to admit it or not. We strive to be the people that others want us to be.

Kids don’t feel that way, at least not until they are a bit older. Sure, we make rules for them and tell them how we think they should act. Being a mama to five sweet babes, I know in my heart of hearts that those are just unrealistic expectations, and sad ones at that. Kids want to be free and they DO IT. They want to laugh and play and dance and just be themselves. What’s more, they don’t really care if others think it’s weird or out of place. They just do it because they feel it in their bones.

I want to let you in on a little secret of mine. I want to be a kid. Perpetually. I want to dress crazy and make goofy faces. I want to talk gibberish and eat all the candy. I want to dance until the sun comes up and sleep all day only to wake up and watch cartoons and eat pizza and ice cream. I know that as an adult I can’t do these things on a regular basis, but believe you me, I DO DO THEM SOMETIMES!! Honestly, I wish that I could all the time. That is my why for shooting families and especially kiddos.

For the time we are together, I get to let that side of me out. I get to make fart and burp jokes and the kids laugh, I laugh and I am sure parents are thinking, who IS this lady. haha. I have a theory and an ethos that I solidly live behind when working with families. I promise you, if kids are having the time of their lives, their parents are too.

You know that feeling when you give your kid a gift or tell them how amazing they are and they beam from ear to ear. You can’t help but smile too. Thinking about it for a minute, am I right? That is the goal with the time I spend with families. I focus on the kids being happy and the rest is just cake. When kids fall apart, parents feel the pressure and start wondering if everything is going okay. When kids are happy, they forget all about those logistics and they really start to have fun with those babes they love so dear.

Does what I just shared resonate with you? Do you want to come journey with me and feel like you too can be a kid again with your babes? Do you want to let all of the stress go when it comes to a family photography session and just let things come back to where it all started? Being free. Being open. Feeling loved. Loving without regard. Truly having an amazing time with your kids? Then I am the photographer you have been looking for. Can we create that amazing feeling together? Reach out, I would love to help you with that!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Dillon Reservoir Frisco, Colorado Family Session

Often times, we meet people that change our lives when we least expect it. I was a wreck when I arrived at that hostel in Denver. Over the next few days, my faith in people being kind was renewed. Somehow, it helped. Jocelyn was one of those people. When you go through something hard and there are people around to lift you up, you tend to hang on to those people with all your heart, even if they don’t really know the full reasons why.

Frisco, Colorado Family Session at Dillon Reservoir

Jocelyn and I met during a photography workshop at a time when my life felt very bleak. I had just found out that a judge in Nebraska granted custody of my son to my abuser. Even though I wasn’t really up for it, I went to the workshop anyway. I needed to feel normal. I needed to feel something.

Often times, we meet people that change our lives when we least expect it. I was a wreck when I arrived at that hostel in Denver. Over the next few days, my faith in people being kind was renewed. Somehow, it helped. Jocelyn was one of those people. When you go through something hard and there are people around to lift you up, you tend to hang on to those people with all your heart, even if they don’t really know the full reasons why.

Three years later, Jocelyn is still there for me. My constant cheerleader behind the scenes. To be honest, I was so nervous to photograph her family. With the heavy smoke in the air during her family session, these edits are a tad different than my norm but I love the richness and depth they provide. They set a mood of love, caring, and genuine strength. Strength of her family and their traveling hiccups. Strength in our friendship. Strength that everything in the world will be good again.

Jocelyn, thank you for your friendship from the depths of my soul. I know it may not seem like much but it means so much to me that you are always there to lend an ear. You are always there to lift me up. I appreciate you and everything you offer me.

To Jocelyn’s family, I know we just met but I want to tell you how much I was blown away by your kindness. Your company after this session was the best and I won’t ever forget it. I hope to one day journey down to Arizona and have my family step in front of your lens, Jocelyn. For our kids to meet. To play. To enjoy the company of friends, not just clients.

A photography session is always a journey for me. An adventure with those that are with me. This family and I journeyed into a space that neither of us were familiar with and it made it that much sweeter. Can I journey with you and your family? Will you spend that time with me exploring what this world has to offer? I would love to connect and make those dreams a reality for you and deliver you a gallery as beautiful and genuine as this one. Click the button below for information on booking a session. Let’s create something beautiful together.

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Colorado Family Session at Sunset Near the Mountains

I want to also take a quick moment to thank you all for filling up my fall calendar so quickly. My family and I truly appreciate your patronage to my small business. Truly. Each one of you that book with me helps me pay my monthly expenses and do things with my family that I would otherwise not have the option to do. From the bottom of my heart. Truly. Thank you. You keep the adventure in my soul and my heart in the clouds.

Sunset Family Session with Mountain Views in Colorado Springs

Oh, Bethany and Chris, how is your family so soulful and sweet? I swear, each time I see these kiddos, I feel like their hearts (and bodies) have grown so much since the last time I saw them. Avery is forever one of my favorite little spunky girls and I am so sad that I can’t continue to have you guys play with me in the mountains. Beau, dude! You have so much hair now! Smiley and loving on that mama of yours. Bethan and Beau, you guys have the SAME laugh nose wrinkle and it makes my heart so happy.

I have had the pleasure of hanging out with this family and watching them grow over the past few years. I love living in Colorado Springs but I also am sad that I live here sometimes when it comes to families and couples moving away. This is the ebb and flow of a military town. That means that I get to help my clients get set up with a new photographer where they are now. It also means that when I travel I can connect with them again in their new space. One thing I am sure to do is follow each of my clients on social media so I can keep up with their lives and how their family is doing and see those lovely photos you all share.

Another way I am going to be keeping up with all of my clients is adding each of them on Facebook and inviting them to a new Facebook group that will be private and client exclusive. There I will post new dates each year for clients to grab up first. You’ll have first access to mini session details, client closet clothing, input on what I purchase next for my closet, and sharing with you crazy good deals that I find for print products and clothing. If you are a past client of mine, be on the lookout for that friend request from me and an add to the group!

I want to also take a quick moment to thank you all for filling up my fall calendar so quickly. My family and I truly appreciate your patronage to my small business. Truly. Each one of you that book with me helps me pay my monthly expenses and do things with my family that I would otherwise not have the option to do. From the bottom of my heart. Truly. Thank you. You keep the adventure in my soul and my heart in the clouds.

Speaking of fall sessions, I do still have just a handful of dates left for October. Those would be October 18th, 20, 26, 27, + 28. If you were looking to get in with me before it gets Colorado cold, I would suggest getting on my calendar before those dates are gone. You can send me a message or click the button below for session information and how to book.

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Colorado Springs Family Photography Session with Vacationing Family

I think that things like this happen for a reason. Session postponements almost allow me to really understand and soak up who a family is, who their kids are. It was such a treat to finally meet them in person and adventure with them in the soulful Colorado Mountains. It did rain a tiny bit during our time together but their family session was everything I had envisioned when she first reached out to me. I call that a success.

Family Photography Session in Colorado Springs

This sweet boy! I got to follow along with him as he grew up over the last year. Makenna had reached out to me in 2018 and booked a session during her family vacation in 2019. Sadly, the weather did not cooperate and also, little man was sick, so we made the difficult decision to postpone their session until they were able to make the trip back.

I think that things like this happen for a reason. Session postponements allow me to really understand and soak up who a family is, who their kids are. It was such a treat to finally meet them in person and adventure with them in the soulful Colorado Mountains. It did rain a tiny bit during our time together but their family session was everything I had envisioned when she first reached out to me. I call that a success.

Have you been waiting to have your own family photography session? Can I encourage you to at least reach out to me, let’s figure out your why together and create a session and journey together to capture that thing you call love. Send me a message.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Garden of the Gods Summer Family Session

Then COVID, oh COVID, why did you have to ruin their newborn session? I kind of look at it as a blessing in disguise because if we had gone ahead with their newborn session, I wouldn’t have been able to photograph them in this amazing location and I also would have missed out on Miss Magnolia’s spunky self! I mean, look at this babe, all smiles and snuggles. I know it sounds weird but I am glad that COVID made this session what it was. Thankful for something that changed us all. Always look on the bright side, right?

Summer Family Session at Garden of the Gods

How did I get so lucky? Leslie and I became quick friends when she reached out to book her Newborn session with me. We met at one of my favorite coffee shops in town, Loyal Coffee, and instantly connected. He cheerful smile, oh my goodness you guys, it was golden. While we planned their newborn session, I quickly learned that we both have the same sense of humor, and that just made me feel so warm and fuzzy for her. Girl crushing over here, yall.

Then COVID, oh COVID, why did you have to ruin their newborn session? I kind of look at it as a blessing in disguise because if we had gone ahead with their newborn session, I wouldn’t have been able to photograph them in this amazing location and I also would have missed out on Miss Magnolia’s spunky self! I mean, look at this babe, all smiles and snuggles. I know it sounds weird but I am glad that COVID made this session what it was. Thankful for something that changed us all. Always look on the bright side, right?

Anyway, I hope you all are getting along okay with the world right now and are still taking the time to sit and reflect. Take the time to spend the time instead of just thinking about the madness. Take time to love. To think. To do the things you want to do. Most of all, I hope you are still taking the time to document your lives. Can I help you with that part? Can we hang out this fall before the snow starts to fall and catch you in this season of your life? Let me adventure with you and your fam bam. Let’s do it? Okay? Okay!

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Family Photography Session While on Vacation in Colorado

I mean, that makes total sense. When you take a vacation in Colorado, you are surrounded by the natural beauty that our mountains, foothills, and prairies hold. You are also with the ones you love in a generally stress-free environment. No work. No school. Just lovely times in our lovely mountains. I would love to document you and your loves during your adventure here. Let me take you on a journey to see our beautiful mountains and open spaces.

Why You Should Schedule a Family Photography Session During Your Colorado Vacation

Did you know that about 35% of the sessions I have each year are for families and couples that are vacationing in our beautiful state? This beautiful family came in from Oklahoma. LeAnna reached out to me about scheduling a session during their stay up the mountain from Colorado Springs. She was able to take a look at my booking calendar and see what dates aligned with their vacation dates.

LeAnna and her family adventured to this new location I found while hiking last month. I was floored as I had never been here before. So dang beautiful. It was the perfect backdrop for LeAnna’s “Colorado Feel” request for what their location looks like. I love incorporating the environment into every session I have and this location proved to provide just that.

When we had our pre-session video call, I got to meet LeAnna and her husband, Mike. We chatted about what their session would look like and why they are choosing to document their family during their vacation. They said that they had not had any professional pictures taken, they loved the beautiful scenery in Colorado, and they felt most connected when they were on vacation in their special place here.

I mean, that makes total sense. When you take a vacation in Colorado, you are surrounded by the natural beauty that our mountains, foothills, and prairies hold. You are also with the ones you love in a generally stress-free environment. No work. No school. Just lovely times in our lovely mountains. I would love to document you and your loves during your adventure here. Let me take you on a journey to see our beautiful mountains and open spaces.

LeAnna, Mike, and all those sweet babes, I know you will love your gallery. I know it will bring you back to this place where you got to spend your time truly together. It will bring back the warm feeling of the Colorado sun on your skin and the happy in your heart that comes with seeing your family happy too.

Are you taking a vacation to Colorado? I would love to connect with you! Let me create a session for you that will make you swoon. Let me show you your love for each other. The tangible. The real.

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Family, Maternity Sandy Patterson Family, Maternity Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Family Maternity Session in Cheyenne Canyon

If you are sitting there reading through this post, I am guessing that you either know Steph or you have thought about having a session with me. If you know Steph, welcome, isn’t she and her broad gorgeous? If you are here because you have been thinking about working with me, what is stopping you? Let’s make this magic happen and document your family’s love story.

Mountain View Family Maternity Session in Colorado Springs

Stephanie reached out to me several months ago about booking both her maternity session and her newborn session with me. Guys, she bought this dress in January of this this year. I could tell that this day was important to her because of the forethought she had put in so I knew I had to make sure her gallery reflected the true nature of their love.

I am so lucky to be able to document them again when sweet babe is born. For them to trust me to create beautiful timeless galleries, that means the world to me. I cannot to snuggle your tiny squish Steph. It is going to be perfect chaos along with some tender quiet moments. You are going to love it.

If you are sitting there reading through this post, I am guessing that you either know Steph or you have thought about having a session with me. If you know Steph, welcome, isn’t she and her broad gorgeous? If you are here because you have been thinking about working with me, what is stopping you? Let’s make this magic happen and document your family’s love story.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

At Home Family Session in Black Forest Colorado

I loved documenting this celebration of her first trip around the sun. I feel like family and I am thankful for that. When I get to work with families over the course of years, we grow together and it just feels so darn good. I cannot wait to watch Miss Amelia grow in an amazing person.

Black Forest Family Session with Colorado Springs Photographer

I remember the day I met Paul. I was working for the Quad Innovation Partnership and my client was the Better Business Bureau and the Colorado Institute for Social Impact. I had a desk in their office and Paul was the new guy. I remember him always being super kind and thoughtful. He was always smiling.

Fast forward a few months later and Paul and his then partner Dave reached out to me to photograph their wedding. It was amazing and full of love and family. At the time, Paul and Dave were trying to adopt. Shortly after their wedding, I found out that they were chosen to be the dads to a baby girl they named Amelia.

I have watched Amelia grow with her “dada’s” over the past year and I can tell you, she has the sweetest life. She is smart and kind and did I mention smart? She said my name during our session together several times, and each time, my heart was SO full.

I loved documenting this celebration of her first trip around the sun. I feel like family and I am thankful for that. When I get to work with families over the course of years, we grow together and it just feels so darn good. I cannot wait to watch Miss Amelia grow in an amazing person.

Interested in working with me to document your love? I would love to connect. Click the button below to check out family session information. Push play on the slideshow above to see what a session with me could look like and check out my favorites from their session below.

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Ute Valley Park Colorado Springs Family Photography Session

Adventure and soul are the things that drive me to create. When I thought about having a session here, I was excited again. I was renewed. Leslie and her family explored, adventured and loved on each other in the fields by the mountains and we had the best time as you can see from their gorgeous gallery and slideshow.

Family Photography Session in Colorado Springs at Ute Valley Park

This location is one of my favorites. It used to be one I hated to go to, then I got creative. I had a few clients request that we use this space and it forced me to revisit it and look at the location through a new lens. I needed to re-find the beauty that I couldn’t see.

I came here a few months ago with my daughter to check it out again. I always see photographers shooting here, however, I hardly see them walking more than 100 feet from the parking lot. I want to adventure with my clients so naturally, I went deeper into the park. I found a beautiful rocky space that was hidden in the trees.

Adventure and soul are the things that drive me to create. When I thought about having a session here, I was excited again. I was renewed. Leslie and her family explored, adventured and loved on each other in the fields by the mountains and we had the best time as you can see from their gorgeous gallery and slideshow (push play on the image above this text).

Do you want to go on an adventure with your family and have me document your time together?

Can I capture your love?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Boho Family Mountain View Session in Colorado Springs

I love that part of this job. To be someone’s family photographer. To build and foster relationships with my clients. If you want a photographer that really knows you and your kids, I am your girl. I feel that when I get to know my family’s better, I can document their story better.

I send all of my clients a questionnaire before our time together to better understand their family dynamic and, more importantly, their why. Your why is the heart and soul of our time together and it creates a feeling of warmth and love, even though we just met.

Colorado Springs Mountain View Family Session

I have gotten to hang out with this family three times now, each time thinking “I will never top that” and each time being pleasantly surprised that it was more before than the time before. I have gotten to watch little Miss Annie and her sister Edith grow and their personalities change.

I love that part of this job. To be someone’s family photographer. To build and foster relationships with my clients. If you want a photographer that really knows you and your kids, I am your girl. I feel that when I get to know my family’s better, I can document their story better.

I send all of my clients a questionnaire before our time together to better understand their family dynamic and, more importantly, their why. Your why is the heart and soul of our time together and it creates a feeling of warmth and love, even though we just met.

Getting to know you helps me create a gallery that reflects who your family is and the love you share. These are my favorites from Mary Louisa’s family session. These images tell their story. Can I help you tell yours? Interesting in booking your family session with me? You can click the button below for more info.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

First Birthday Session in Colorado Springs with Mountain Views

The Sloans and I met this past fall during a mini session. Their sweet girl had the biggest prettiest eyes ever. Getting to see Eleanor again, and to document her first birthday was such a special thing. Seeing families, again and again, makes for fast introductions and lots of time to explore, adventure, and play.

First Birthday Family Session with Mountain Views in Colorado Springs

The Sloans and I met this past fall during a mini session. Their sweet girl had the biggest prettiest eyes ever. Getting to see Eleanor again, and to document her first birthday was such a special thing. Seeing families, again and again, makes for fast introductions and lots of time to explore, adventure, and play.

Eleanor is learning how to walk and we had great times letting her play in the grass. She wasn’t quite sure about the shoes, haha. I am sure all you mama’s can relate. It was such a lovely time in her life to document, and Jill, I know you will love this gallery so much. Eleanor’s personality just shines in the images. Happy Sweet Birthday to her, your baby girl. Thank you for letting me tag along for your adventure with her.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

COVID-19 Strength with Rainbows in Colorado Springs

Neighborhood rainbow hunts are something communities across the world are doing in order to spread love and hope for all that pass by. Yesterday, we rolled up our sleeves to spread joy and happiness. Our twins (I am a bonus mama to them, did you know that?), Emma and Jack painted their own versions of happiness with rainbows. Here is their love for you during this COVIS-19 mess.

Spreading Rainbow Love During COVID-19

What strange and stressful times we are in the thick of right now. Each day brings news of more sickness and we are all praying for and end to this madness. We are lucky. We are not sick. We are not completely broke (yet) and we have our family to hold onto.

Neighborhood rainbow hunts are something communities across the world are doing in order to spread love and hope for all that pass by. Yesterday, we rolled up our sleeves to spread joy and happiness. Our twins (I am a bonus mama to them, did you know that?), Emma and Jack painted their own versions of happiness with rainbows. Here is their love for you during this COVID-19 mess.

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Family, Mentorship Sandy Patterson Family, Mentorship Sandy Patterson

Colorado Family Photographer Mentorship Session

If you have been wondering what a mentorship with me looks like, please reach out. I am happy to explain the process and work with you to create the session of your dreams with a family that shows their love in authentic ways for you and your camera. Come hang out with me. Let’s eat dinner together and talk about your fears and strengths. Let’s explore your portfolio. Let me help you understand white balance and metering light. Let’s work together to uncover your potential. I want to help.

Family Session Mentorship Shoot Along in Colorado Springs

Alex and her family were so sweet to model for a shoot along mentorship session with a budding photographer here in Colorado Springs. The process for my family shoot along mentorships involves choosing a family together. From creating the model call graphic and posts to the final selection, mentees are with me every step of the process. There were so many beautiful families that reached out. We ultimately chose the Miller family because they had 3 children, a boy and two girls. Their family was what my mentee was looking for, big with lots of opportunity for interaction and play. They were also perfect for what I look for to capture and teach during the mentorship.

My family session shoot along mentorships focus on harnessing connection, authenticity, and adventure within families. We worked together to help our client style clothing with the use of Style & Select’s online wardrobe styling services (pssst…if you use this code, WILDPRAIRIE10, you’ll get 10% off your first year, hoorah!) and reviewed clothing choices together to help our client look their best. Alex was so super sweet and flexible when it came to clothing and I appreciated her willingness to create a session of my mentee’s dreams. Their family is gorgeous and their clothing choice created a classic and timeless look for their final gallery as you can see in the slideshow above and a handful of my favorites from their session below.

If you have been wondering what a mentorship with me looks like, please reach out. I am happy to explain the process and work with you to create the session of your dreams with a family that shows their love in authentic ways for you and your camera. Come hang out with me. Let’s eat dinner together and talk about your fears and strengths. Let’s explore your portfolio. Let me help you understand white balance and metering light. Let’s work together to uncover your potential. I want to help. You can get started by clicking on the button below to read a little bit about mentorship inclusions and pricing. I would love to journey along with you and see you shine. xo

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

In Home Newborn Session in Colorado Springs

Janine and her family were so kind to allow me to come into their home just days after sweet Mia was born. Their connection was palpable and their adventurous spirit was alive. Baby Mia will grow up in a home filled with genuine connection and love, there is nothing better that I can think of. Janine, thank you for trusting me to document this celebration of life with your baby girl. Girl, you guys are so beautiful.

Newborn In Home Session with the Mullins Family

I made a few goals at the beginning of the year. One of which was to photograph more in-home newborn sessions. Particularly ones with older siblings. 2020 opened right out of the gate with this beautifully crafted in-home session to celebrate the birth of Baby Mia. Big brothers Liam and Bro bro were clearly smitten with their new baby sister. One of my favorite images from our time together is one where Liam is looking at his little brother who is looking at their baby sister. You can see in Liams eyes and his smile that, even if he doesn’t know it or understand it yet, he is proud of his little brother. He finally gets to be a big brother too. So darn sweet.

Janine and her family were so kind to allow me to come into their home just days after sweet Mia was born. Their connection was palpable and their adventurous spirit was alive. Baby Mia will grow up in a home filled with genuine connection and love, there is nothing better that I can think of. Janine, thank you for trusting me to document this celebration of life with your baby girl. Girl, you guys are so beautiful.

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Family Session at Pinnacle Mountain State Park with Colorado Family Photographer

Shooting in a new space made me feel alive. It made me feel growth and excitement. It made me feel happy. I am looking forward to all of the travel sessions that I have the honor of doing this year and all of the beautiful places I will get to see. Seeing the earth is such a gift.

Arkansas Family Travel Session at Pinnacle Mountain State Park

My family and I recently visited Arkansas to celebrate my father-in-laws birthday. I had only met him once before and tickets were dirt cheap so it felt like the perfect opportunity to get to know him better. We enjoyed the time we spent and make some memories that I will be forever grateful for.

I started looking over my plans for this year, business-wise and realized that I am going to be doing quite a bit of traveling. Of course, that got my wheels turning and with the blessing of my sweet husband, I decided to offer a limited number of travel sessions during these trips. I just got back from my first one and WOW, all I can say is that it felt amazing to shoot in a place foreign to me. Abbie owns and operates Peace Love Photography - AR in Little Rock, Arkansas.

On the morning of her family session, I scouted out Pinnacle Mountain State Park and found twisted trees, a creek, texture, light and all the things I could have hoped for. Abbie and her boys met me that evening and we strolled as though we were old friends watching her boys play. It was magical and moving. Abbie has the heart of a boy mom, I can tell. They love her with all their might. Always someone holding her hand or asking for a kiss. Her oldest, Greyson, fell into the water a bit, she didn’t even flinch. She laughed it off and we carried on. Abbie, you are such a truly sweet soul.

Shooting in a new space made me feel alive. It made me feel growth and excitement. It made me feel happy. I am looking forward to all of the travel sessions that I have the honor of doing this year and all of the beautiful places I will get to see. Seeing the earth is such a gift. I hope I can always be able to do this beautiful thing that I love and reach for all that I could dream. Thank you, Abbie and boys, for allowing me to document this love you hold in your hearts. Much love mama. -S

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Family, Newborn Sandy Patterson Family, Newborn Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Newborn Photographer Williams Family Welcomes Baby K

It was just a few short days after Colorado Springs endured a blizzard and the side roads were still partly covered in ice that I made my way to the cozy home of Kristen and Mark to meet their sweet baby, Mr. K. Born at St. Francis Medical Center the week prior, the family was settling into their new routine. I was invited to document the love that was abound. Upon arriving, Kristens dad, Grandpa Dean, welcomed me inside and I could tell this session would be one for the books. Lovely light, lovely family and the sweetest, most perfect boy. The Williams’ home was warm and full of the kind of love you look for in story books.

Williams Family Welcomes Baby K In Home Newborn Session in Colorado

On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

It was just a few short days after Colorado Springs endured a blizzard and the side roads were still partly covered in ice that I made my way to the cozy home of Kristen and Mark to meet their sweet baby, Mr. K. Born at St. Francis Medical Center the week prior, the family was settling into their new routine. I was invited to document the love that was abound. Upon arriving, Kristens dad, Grandpa Dean, welcomed me inside and I could tell this session would be one for the books. Lovely light, lovely family and the sweetest, most perfect boy. The Williams’ home was warm and full of the kind of love you look for in story books. Calmly, Kristen and Mark cradled their sweet son and you could just see the love radiate from their souls. Moose, their ever so much loved cat, was never too far behind as we moved from room to room in their home. She was curious who this person was taking photos of her boy. Ever watchful and protective.

I was so excited to get back home and edit the images of the love I witnessed. Eager to share with them what I see when I look at them. Overjoyed with love and peace, I said a goodbye to the family and made the journey back to my computer to bring their story to life. The story of a beautiful and perfect baby boy.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Photographer Branding Video Model Call

Colorado Springs Photographer, Sandy Fales is looking for a model family to have a family photography session in the brand film being created for Wild Prairie Photography.

Wild Prairie Photography, a Colorado Springs Photographer is looking for a model family!

Hello everyone!! I am pleased to announce that I am having a brand film made for Wild Prairie Photography!! The purpose of the model call is to find a family that would love to model for me for this film! The filming will take place on June 20th, 2018 between 6 and 8ish, possibly later. I am looking for a family of four. Any combination of parents is fine (we are inclusive over here!) and two kiddos whose ages range from 3-6 (but feel free to reach out if your kiddos are slightly older or younger) is the ideal model family for this project. This application will stay up for a week or two and then I will review all of the families who would like to do the model call! 

The session will take place in Colorado Springs and have mountain views. To thank the model family for their time, I will be giving them their entire gallery as well as access to the brand film to share and a photomontage of their session with me for free. Thank you, thank you!

It is important to me that the model family chosen is open to allowing me to style their wardrobe. This could involve using clothing you already have if you fit the style I am looking for, or purchasing clothing for the session. I will be there every step of the way with your clothing choices to make sure your look is flawless and the film is amazing!

To let me know you are interested in your family modeling for me, please fill out the form below. Thank you so much to everyone and much love!! <3


P.S. Applications for this model call are now closed. Look for the video coming soon!

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