Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Fostering a Connection with your Photographer, and Why it’s Important

Having a connection with your photographer is important, friends. Creating rapport and a comfort level that feels good is something that should be strived for. This helps me, your photographer, document your authentic moments, naturally. Connecting with your photographer also allows them to understand your vision for the session and what’s important to you. I truly believe that the more you get to know the person documenting your heart, the better experience overall you are likely to have. I want to document your essence and tell your story through your gallery. Period.

When you have a connection with your photographer, they will be able to understand what you are trying to highlight and will be able to provide you with a gallery that reflects that. For me, the perfect gallery should be able to not only capture the physical details of our time together but also the emotions and personalities of your children that you know and love so well. When looking for a photographer, it is important to find someone who you feel comfortable with and can trust to create with you and document your authentic love and connection.

Connecting with Your Photographer is Important, Here’s Why

Having a connection with your photographer is important, friends. Creating rapport and a comfort level that feels good is something that should be strived for. This helps me, your photographer, document your authentic moments, naturally. Connecting with your photographer also allows them to understand your vision for the session and what’s important to you. I truly believe that the more you get to know the person documenting your heart, the better experience overall you are likely to have. I want to document your essence and tell your story through your gallery. Period.

When you have a connection with your photographer, they will be able to understand what you are trying to highlight and will be able to provide you with a gallery that reflects that. For me, the perfect gallery should be able to not only capture the physical details of our time together but also the emotions and personalities of your children that you know and love so well. When looking for a photographer, it is important to find someone who you feel comfortable with and can trust to create with you and document your authentic love and connection.

Enter me, Hello! I want to be a part of your life. I want to come to birthday parties and celebrations for your kids. I want to cheer you on as you finish your degree. I want to go out and have a drink when you accomplish something amazing in your life. Hit. Me. Up. Courtney, Jeremey, Cayden, Rylen, and Parker are some of my favorite people in the world. I met them when Cayden was just one and I have had the opportunity to follow along with their lives and growing family. Court, your babies are absolutely the sweetest part of life, my friend. I love and am thankful that you continue to include me in your yearly photos and that I get to experience your friendship outside of β€œwork life”. Love you girl!

Anyway, enough of that mush stuff. The point I am trying to make is that whoever you choose as your photographer, be it me or someone else, connect with them. Make sure your photographer values you as a person and listens to your stories and experiences. I promise it is handy when we get to spend time with you in front of our lens. We can see your soul and the more context we have, the more beautiful it can become. So, can I get to know you and your family? Will you share your stories with me?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Creating Space for Authentic Play is Important during Your Family Photography Session

This family session at Ute Valley Park in Colorado Springs was extra special. I rarely get inquiries from single dads to take photos with their kids. Being so, I wanted to break that weirdness of dudes getting photos with their babes! I asked Matt and his boys if they wanted to hang out with me and they said yes (obviously!).

On their way to meet with me, Matt sent me a message that they were running a little bit late and that one of the guys was less than happy (he had a bad day at school). Friends, I want to take a moment to let you know that this scenario is one that happens. It happens to the most prepared, well-rested, loves the camera and outside kids. It happens no matter what sometimes because one kid (I have one myself) doesn’t want to leave the house. They would rather dieeeeeee than go anywhere.

So, I am thinking, I need to tell you something else. Sometimes the road to get someplace can be rocky but I promise, when you get to where you are going with me, it’s going to hit different for those small ones. The look in their eyes when they are allowed to jump in the grass and climb on top of a rock is something you couldn’t have asked for them to do, it just happens. Creating space for organic play and authentic connection is where my heart always is and kids can feel it, I just know they can.

Why Creating Space for Authentic Play during Your Family Photography Session is Important

This family session at Ute Valley Park in Colorado Springs was extra special. I rarely get inquiries from single dads to take photos with their kids. Being so, I wanted to break that weirdness of dudes getting photos with their babes! I asked Matt and his boys if they wanted to hang out with me and they said yes (obviously!).

On their way to meet with me, Matt sent me a message that they were running a little bit late and that one of the guys was less than happy (he had a bad day at school). Friends, I want to take a moment to let you know that this scenario is one that happens. It happens to the most prepared, well-rested, loves the camera and outside kids. It happens no matter what sometimes because one kid (I have one myself) doesn’t want to leave the house. They would rather dieeeeeee than go anywhere.

So, I am thinking, I need to tell you something else. Sometimes the road to get someplace can be rocky but I promise, when you get to where you are going with me, it’s going to hit different for those small ones. The look in their eyes when they are allowed to jump in the grass and climb on top of a rock is something you couldn’t have asked for them to do, it just happens. Creating space for organic play and authentic connection is where my heart always is and kids can feel it, I just know they can.

Here is what’s up. What happened with Matt and his boys has happened before to you or you are afraid that it will, this bit of writing was for you. Don’t be scared. It will all work out. Soon, they will forget why they were mad or unhappy AND it also helps if they have treats to look forward to after our time together (or during a break during our time together too!). Don’t hold back on scheduling your family session. Bring the kids, let’s get images like the ones Matt has to hold (scroll below and check out the slideshow above). I can’t wait to hang with you and your crew!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Finding the Perfect Location in Rocky Mountain National Park

The trip to Rocky Mountain National Park was fueled by a family session referral from another local photographer. I got to meet up with Sarah and her family in the mountains because the super sweet Katie Mitzelfelt of Katie Mitz Photo (go check her out because she is amazing!) recommended me. Thanks, friend!

This was a last-minute addition to my schedule and I had only been to Rocky Mountain a handful of times before but knew the area I wanted to shoot in fairly well. With COVID and all the capacity limitations that came along with it in the summer of 2021, I was lucky that sunset was later in the evening so I could get to where I needed to be without a permit, which was pretty damn awesome.

My daughter, Emma, and I left early so I could scout out the perfect spot for their extended family that would be doable for everyone and still looks amazing. Emma and I stopped at a few locations along our way but they weren’t it. When I find a location that is β€œit” I get super giddy and excited. I will literally jump up and down and run around thinking of all the things that I can do within the space. Serious. Ask her.

Rocky Mountain Location Scouting

The trip to Rocky Mountain National Park was fueled by a family session referral from another local photographer. I got to meet up with Sarah and her family in the mountains because the super sweet Katie Mitzelfelt of Katie Mitz Photo (go check her out because she is amazing!) recommended me. Thanks, friend!

This was a last-minute addition to my schedule and I had only been to Rocky Mountain a handful of times before but knew the area I wanted to shoot in fairly well. With COVID and all the capacity limitations that came along with it in the summer of 2021, I was lucky that sunset was later in the evening so I could get to where I needed to be without a permit, which was pretty damn awesome.

My daughter, Emma, and I left early so I could scout out the perfect spot for their extended family that would be doable for everyone and still looks amazing. Emma and I stopped at a few locations along our way but they weren’t it. When I find a location that is β€œit” I get super giddy and excited. I will literally jump up and down and run around thinking of all the things that I can do within the space. Serious. Ask her.

When we arrived at this spot, I walked down to the water and that was it. Perfect light, perfect banks, perfect spaces to hide from the sun, and what I could have guessed was going to be beautiful light as the sun faded behind the mountains. I mean, was I wrong?

Looking to adventure with a family photographer? Don’t know exactly where you want to go? No worries, I got you! I offer a robust location catalog for my clients and personal assistance with location scouting and all the things. I would love to find the perfect spot for you and your crew. You know, one I jump up and down in when I find it because I am so excited, and then, adventure in it! Let’s connect and explore. 

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Family, Couples, Maternity, Newborn Sandy Patterson Family, Couples, Maternity, Newborn Sandy Patterson

Wildflower Garden Micro Sessions

Want to snuggle on those babes or your honey with me in a wildflower garden? Want to do it this fall? Meeeee tooooo!

I was fortunate enough this year to snag some time at a wildflower garden to host micro sessions. This space not only boasts a beautiful wildflower garden but also distant views of our mountain range. Located 20 minutes South of Colorado Springs, this location is on private property so we will have the place to ourselves to enjoy each others company and explore all of the flowers together.

There are three dates to choose from this year with 4 available times on each date:

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

Thursday, September 23rd, 2021

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

Located in Hanover, Colorado

Fountain Creek Ranch Wedding Colorado Springs Colorado Photographer Boho Elopement Wedding Venue Mountian View Sunset Wild Prairie Photography-25-2020.jpg

Micro Sessions - Wildflower Garden

Want to snuggle on those babes or your honey with me in a wildflower garden? Want to do it this fall? Meeeee tooooo!

I was fortunate enough this year to snag some time at a wildflower garden to host micro sessions. This space not only boasts a beautiful wildflower garden but also distant views of our mountain range. Located 20 minutes South of Colorado Springs, this location is on private property so we will have the place to ourselves to enjoy each others company and explore all of the flowers together.

There are three dates to choose from this year with 4 available times on each date:

Tuesday, September 14th, 2021

Thursday, September 23rd, 2021

Thursday, September 30th, 2021

The Wildflower Garden is Located in Hanover, Colorado

20 Minutes South of Colorado Springs, Colorado

Exact Location Pin and Directions Sent Upon Booking

Fountain Creek Ranch Wedding Colorado Springs Colorado Photographer Boho Elopement Wedding Venue Mountian View Sunset Wild Prairie Photography-27-2020.jpg

Wildflower Garden Micro Session

15 Minute Wildflower Garden Micro Session, 5 Hand Edited Heirloom Digital Images, Curated Slideshow and Instagram Story Set, Option to Upgrade Your Gallery or Purchase Images Ala Carte, Personalized Wardrobe Styling Service Access, Lifetime Storage and Backup of Session, Full Reprinting Rights with Professional Printing Options, Beautiful Session Guide


All dates and times are full, thanks babes! You can still hang out with me! Click the button below for more info on my full and half collections.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

First Birthday Session at Red Rock Canyon Open Space

Sweet little Henry. How lucky are you to have such doting parents? This tiny man, his family, and I, spent an evening together exploring one of their favorite spaces for a first birthday family session. Brie mentioned a lovely bench at Red Rock Canyon Open Space that they would love to adventure to, and that’s just what we did!

Henry was so curious about everything around him and I was living for it. I love to let littles take the lead during our time together. I talk about this often when I have my pre-session video calls with my clients.

During those calls, a lot of parents express worry about their littles losing their minds during a session and I totally get it. I have five kiddos and I know first hand that kids sometimes don’t do the things we think or expect they will, they turn that ish on its head and do their own thing. You know what though? I love it. Authentically.

Red Rock Canyon Open Space First Birthday Family Session

Sweet little Henry. How lucky are you to have such doting parents? This tiny man, his family, and I, spent an evening together exploring one of their favorite spaces for a first birthday family session. Brie mentioned a lovely bench at Red Rock Canyon Open Space that they would love to adventure to, and that’s just what we did!

Henry was so curious about everything around him and I was living for it. I love to let littles take the lead during our time together. I talk about this often when I have my pre-session video calls with my clients.

During those calls, a lot of parents express worry about their littles losing their minds during a session and I totally get it. I have five kiddos and I know first hand that kids sometimes don’t do the things we think or expect they will, they turn that ish on its head and do their own thing. You know what though? I love it. Authentically.

The moments that your children are truly themselves, that is what you want to remember, am I right? The curious look in their eyes when they look at insects or rocks on the ground. The contagious laughter that bounds out of their bellies when you adventure along with them in the mountains. Those are the authentic moments that really matter.

Do you want to document your authenticity? I do. Let’s chat and curate a session from start to finish that will allow you and your family to open up and connect.

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Maternity, Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Maternity, Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

Maternity and Newborn Sessions Document Your Growing Family

Hanging out with families for both their maternity and newborn sessions is such a sweet thing for me. I get to follow along with your pregnancy journey and document that sweet love right from the start. Andrea and her family met me last year during my fall mini sessions. Their little boy Findlay was shy to start but I found a way to break through to his tender heart. Look at him now, a big brother.

When families book me for both their maternity and their newborn session, I love to give a discount on both sessions. It is my way of saying thank you for wanting to work with me through the seasons in your life. Rewarding in my heart of hearts, when those sweet babes are born, it is magic.

Documenting Your Growing Family with a Maternity and Newborn Session

Hanging out with families for both their maternity and newborn sessions is such a sweet thing for me. I get to follow along with your pregnancy journey and document that sweet love right from the start. Andrea and her family met me last year during my fall mini sessions. Their little boy Findlay was shy to start but I found a way to break through to his tender heart. Look at him now, a big brother.

When families book me for both their maternity and their newborn session, I love to give a discount on both sessions. It is my way of saying thank you for wanting to work with me through the seasons in your life. Rewarding in my heart of hearts, when those sweet babes are born, it is magic.

This is the first time I have posted a clients maternity and newborn sessions together. You know what, I LOVE it. You can literally see the swell of love in their hearts during their maternity session and when little Theo was born, I got to document that too, look at proud big brother Findlay!

Are you thinking about documenting your pregnancy? Want to hang out with me for a newborn session (indoor or out) or, do you want to have a family session? I would love to curate a session that perfectly fits what you are looking for. To showcase your love in your gallery and give you all the feels forever mama. Let’s hang?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Family Session at Ute Valley Park in Colorado Springs

Lacie, Mike, and their tiny babe James hung out with me for their family session over at Ute Valley Park. This park, located in Colorado Springs offers such a variety of spaces to shoot in and explore. I got the venture to some new spaces with this sweet fam bam and I could have not been more excited.

Last year, I had a drawing for a free family session, I drew not one name, but three names! Lacie was one of them and it was so special to see the love of their family. Lacie and her husband Mike own A Grazing Life, a Colorado-based organization that offers farm-to-table dinners, which is pretty amazing! Farm fresh food, harvested in the place where you dine. I can’t imagine anything better.

Colorado Springs Ute Valley Park Family Session

Lacie, Mike, and their tiny babe James hung out with me for their family session over at Ute Valley Park. This park, located in Colorado Springs offers such a variety of spaces to shoot in and explore. I got the venture to some new spaces with this sweet fam bam and I could have not been more excited.

Last year, I had a drawing for a free family session, I drew not one name, but three names! Lacie was one of them and it was so special to see the love of their family. Lacie and her husband Mike own A Grazing Life, a Colorado-based organization that offers farm-to-table dinners, which is pretty amazing! Farm fresh food, harvested in the place where you dine. I can’t imagine anything better.

I am so glad that I got to hang out with James during this stage of his life. Forever growing and changing so quickly I can hardly believe it. He was at home in the rocks and trails, we made the most of our evening together. Want to hang out with me too? Let’s connect and do something rad together.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Rocky Mountain Pregnancy Reveal Family Session

Sweet Janine and her beautiful family. I got to work with them when their baby girl Mia was born. I just fell in love with the way they love their kids. Janine and I talk often and I just feel so thankful to be in their lives. She sent me an IG message telling me that she was pregnant AND that she wanted to capture the reaction of her husband.

We checked out a new location for me (I love this spot so much!) and Janine and Zach adventured with their babes on the trails near Cheyenne Mountain. I love that they let their babes run and play and they really follow their lead. My favorite way to have a family session!

Pregnancy Reveal Family Session in the Rocky Mountains

Sweet Janine and her beautiful family. I got to work with them when their baby girl Mia was born. I just fell in love with the way they love their kids. Janine and I talk often and I just feel so thankful to be in their lives. She sent me an IG message telling me that she was pregnant AND that she wanted to capture the reaction of her husband.

We checked out a new location for me (I love this spot so much!) and Janine and Zach adventured with their babes on the trails near Cheyenne Mountain. I love that they let their babes run and play and they really follow their lead. My favorite way to have a family session!

Towards the end of their time with me, Janine whispered in her sweet boy’s ear that she was pregnant, he whispered it to his brother, and then they told their daddy. It was a first for me and such a great moment to be a part of. Can I do this all day every day? Okay, mama’s, give me a call when you want to surprise your bae, I’ll be right there, haha. But seriously, let’s chat!

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Family, Couples Sandy Patterson Family, Couples Sandy Patterson

Large Family Session in Lake George Colorado

It’s not often that I get to photograph a family this large with such a tight connection. Kaitlyn and Thomas, along with their crew of 8 beautifully soulful children joined me in Lake George for an adventure by the water.

I was lucky enough to meet Kaitlyn through my connections at The Fountain Creek Ranch. Their wedding day at the ranch is going to be the most amazing day. I include an engagement session with my wedding coverage and when we met and I saw all those beautiful faces, I just knew we needed to include these kids in their engagement session too! So, engagement session turned family session turned OMG how is my life this lucky session (for me at least, haha).

Kaitlyn and Thomas, look at this beautiful family you have built together. Piece by piece. Through all the steps in life that brought you to this moment. Good and bad. Rough and sad. Sometimes glorious and often times not, this was the reason. I am a firm believer in karma, fate, and serendipity. Our pasts are but a mirage in the far-off distance and the future is bright and clear and warm. Your blended family fits together like it was always meant to be and I am lucky that I get to see that with my own eyes. Thank you for that peek into your love.

Lake George Colorado Large Family Session

It’s not often that I get to photograph a family this large with such a tight connection. Kaitlyn and Thomas, along with their crew of 8 beautifully soulful children joined me in Lake George for an adventure by the water.

I was lucky enough to meet Kaitlyn through my connections at The Fountain Creek Ranch. Their wedding day at the ranch is going to be the most amazing day. I include an engagement session with my wedding coverage and when we met and I saw all those beautiful faces, I just knew we needed to include these kids in their engagement session too! So, engagement session turned family session turned OMG how is my life this lucky session (for me at least, haha).

Kaitlyn and Thomas, look at this beautiful family you have built together. Piece by piece. Through all the steps in life that brought you to this moment. Good and bad. Rough and sad. Sometimes glorious and often times not, this was the reason. I am a firm believer in karma, fate, and serendipity. Our pasts are but a mirage in the far-off distance and the future is bright and clear and warm. Your blended family fits together like it was always meant to be and I am lucky that I get to see that with my own eyes. Thank you for that peek into your love.

Whew, okay, I may or may not have teared up a tiny bit writing that. Kaitlyn deserves all the best and kind words because honest to goodness, she is a light. These clients I meet change me and craft me, day by day, into the person that I have and will continue to evolve into. You pour out what you put in right?

Are you here reading this and feel like we made a connection and haven’t even met yet? I am guessing that you are a sweet soul that loves your children with all your might. You want to dance in the rain and are down for a healthy mix of snuggles and adventure. You want that authentic connection to show through in your image gallery. Me too.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Eleven Mile State Park Adventure Family Session

Danica is a local birth photographer and it was such an honor to document the love her family shares during their session with me. I have gotten to work with Danica and her crew before when I was making a branding film ages ago. They were so sweet and perfect then, just as they are now. These two are parents who are connected to their babes and truly lead by example (well, most days, haha).

We traveled into the mountains to one of my favorites spots at Eleven Mile State Park and explored this glorious, nature-filled space together. My little friends brought along their binoculars, and their free spirits and we chased the sun and each other all evening. It was the best and I was totally there for it.

This year, I want to travel and meet clients in all the beautiful places in Colorado and beyond. Each year I get close and close to the ultimate goal of traveling in my camper and photographing families and couples along during my own adventures with my family. There is a lot that goes into that type of business/lifestyle change so it will be a couple of years, in the meantime, I’ll be taking airplanes and traveling in my trusty car to get to all those hidden gems that I stumble upon.

Adventure Family Session in Eleven Mile State Park

Danica is a local birth photographer and it was such an honor to document the love her family shares during their session with me. I have gotten to work with Danica and her crew before when I was making a branding film ages ago. They were so sweet and perfect then, just as they are now. These two are parents who are connected to their babes and truly lead by example (well, most days, haha).

We traveled into the mountains to one of my favorites spots at Eleven Mile State Park and explored this glorious, nature-filled space together. My little friends brought along their binoculars, and their free spirits and we chased the sun and each other all evening. It was the best and I was totally there for it.

This year, I want to travel and meet clients in all the beautiful places in Colorado and beyond. Each year I get close and close to the ultimate goal of traveling in my camper and photographing families and couples along during my own adventures with my family. There is a lot that goes into that type of business/lifestyle change so it will be a couple of years, in the meantime, I’ll be taking airplanes and traveling in my trusty car to get to all those hidden gems that I stumble upon.

Want to come long on an adventure with me? Soon, I will be adding some β€œbucket list” locations to my location catalog. These are locations that I have scouted but not yet photographed in. I get so excited for new spaces and I can promise you that it will be a wild and worthwhile ride. Let’s connect?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Central Colorado Springs Family Photography Session

It’s not every day that you celebrate the day that your baby girl turns two! Miss Luna and her family hung out with me during their family photography session in central Colorado Springs. This space is one of my favorites because it is close to the mountains and still accessible for the little ones to play and run. It was the perfect space for Jordyn and her family of three.

Being two must feel like flying. Seriously, friends, I want to be two again. Don’t you? Stop kidding yourself, of course, you do. The beauty of loving what is right in front of you. Picking up rocks as you please, jumping, playing, singing songs, and just being truly who your little soul is. I love it and I’ll admit I’m a bit jealous that I can’t be that free. I mean, shouldn’t we all be a bit jealous of that?

Time is a weird thing that we use to hold markers for ourselves. It truly doesn’t mean as much as we think it does. It’s interesting to look into a culture other than your own and explore their thoughts on time and how it affects them. Let those babies keep their curiosity and wondrous nature for a bit longer, no matter the time. We would all be a bit more beautiful if we did that. Right?

Family Photography Session in Central Colorado Springs

It’s not every day that you celebrate the day that your baby girl turns two! Miss Luna and her family hung out with me during their family photography session in central Colorado Springs. This space is one of my favorites because it is close to the mountains and still accessible for the little ones to play and run. It was the perfect space for Jordyn and her family of three.

Being two must feel like flying. Seriously, friends, I want to be two again. Don’t you? Stop kidding yourself, of course, you do. The beauty of loving what is right in front of you. Picking up rocks as you please, jumping, playing, singing songs, and just being truly who your little soul is. I love it and I’ll admit I’m a bit jealous that I can’t be that free. I mean, shouldn’t we all be a bit jealous of that?

Time is a weird thing that we use to hold markers for ourselves. It truly doesn’t mean as much as we think it does. It’s interesting to look into a culture other than your own and explore their thoughts on time and how it affects them. Let those babies keep their curiosity and wondrous nature for a bit longer, no matter the time. We would all be a bit more beautiful if we did that. Right?

Sometimes, I get off on some interesting self-reflection when I write these posts. I want it to be more about what I can contribute to the world versus sharing just the story of the family I am posting about. These images are lovely in and of themselves and I think, for me, linking their story to something in my heart is what I am eager to do the most. How are we all connected and why does it matter. These little bits of story show the connections we most certainly have and the authenticity of them.

I would love to connect with you too and share your family’s love story authentically. Can we do it? Can we meet and walk and play and talk? You can reach out to me and check out info on family sessions via the button below.

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Rocky Mountain Foothills Family Session

Danielle is a fellow photographer and mama. She and her boys were coming to Colorado for a visit, so naturally, she wanted to get in a family photography session while they were here. The reason? Her little boy, Noah, was suddenly not so little anymore. She wanted to document these fleeting days before they are snuffed out by the beaconing of adolescence. Babies, oh how they do grow up, much quicker than you think too.

Noah reminds me of my son Ellis, I know, I talk about him a lot but, you know what, that’s okay. It feels good to talk about my sweet boy. I can remember when I first saw his squished-up face on the other side of the curtain in the OR. So small but also so big. I am sure that Danielle remembers the first time she saw her little boy too. I am sure that mothers save a special space in their soul to etch that memory right on in. To keep and hold forever.

Family Session in the Foothills of the Rocky Mountains

Danielle is a fellow photographer and mama. She and her boys were coming to Colorado for a visit, so naturally, she wanted to get in a family photography session while they were here. The reason? Her little boy, Noah, was suddenly not so little anymore. She wanted to document these fleeting days before they are snuffed out by the beaconing of adolescence. Babies, oh how they do grow up, much quicker than you think too.

Noah reminds me of my son Ellis, I know, I talk about him a lot but, you know what, that’s okay. It feels good to talk about my sweet boy. I can remember when I first saw his squished up face on the other side of the curtain in the OR. So small but also so big. I am sure that Danielle remembers the first time she saw her little boy too. I am sure that mothers save a special space in their soul to etch that memory right on in. To keep and hold forever.

Now we are here mama, your baby boy is growing and his squish is becoming less squishy. He is coming into his own and time will keep ticking by. We have these though. These proofs that there was snuggling, laughter, and tokens of love. I got you mama. I won’t let you forget. I won’t let you forget because I also don’t want to forget. I want to remember my sons wispy hair and scrunchy nose. His belly laugh that is so contagious you can’t help but smile too. I want to remember all the little things that I know will be gone once I blink my eyes.

There can be many reasons why you want to document this season in your life. Danielle and I share a similar story but not everyone has the same circumstances. What is your story? What is your why? Can I help you tell the love story of your family?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Authentic Connection Cheyenne Canon Family Session

Lisa, oh Lisa. Mama, you waited so long to have your family session with me. Your kiddos are another year older and you finally got to take that Colorado trip to see me! Lisa had scheduled her family session with me last year, but as all things, COVID threw a wrench into her plans and we had to postpone. It was certainly worth the wait.

These kids are firecrackers and lovers to their core, you can just feel it. Smiling and full of happy. I know I talk about it a lot but I really do wish I could perpetually be a kid. The world seemed so much bigger and overall, the problems felt smaller. I can imagine that allows for more of the happy to shine through. Kiddos radiate unfiltered love and curiosity. I. Am. Jealous. I’m not too proud to admit it. Being an adult does have its perks though. Being able to eat whatever you want is my favorite one, haha.

Lisa, oh Lisa. Mama, you waited so long to have your family session with me. Your kiddos are another year older and you finally got to take that Colorado trip to see me! Lisa had scheduled her family session with me last year, but as all things, COVID threw a wrench into her plans and we had to postpone. It was certainly worth the wait.

These kids are firecrackers and lovers to their core, you can just feel it. Smiling and full of happy. I know I talk about it a lot but I really do wish I could perpetually be a kid. The world seemed so much bigger and overall, the problems felt smaller. I can imagine that allows for more of the happy to shine through. Kiddos radiate unfiltered love and curiosity. I. Am. Jealous. I’m not too proud to admit it. Being an adult does have its perks though. Being able to eat whatever you want is my favorite one, haha.

Lisa and her family, as you can see from their gallery, are authentically connected. Truly. Their connection is the connection I am seeking when I meet up with you and your family. Each family holds their own stories and ways they show their appreciation and admiration for one another. That is probably the best part about this job. Watching that authenticity bud and grow during our time together.

Hello friend, here reading about Lisa’s family, I would love to work with you and yours too! You can click the button below for more information about my family sessions and to take a peek at my booking calendar. See you soon!

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Maternity, Family Sandy Patterson Maternity, Family Sandy Patterson

Boho Maternity Session with View of Pikes Peak

Kaitlyn and Jake, how did you two create such a beautiful baby boy? Ledger and I became fast friends during his mama’s maternity session with me in this lovely Colorado Springs location. It was a bit chilly that evening but still warm enough to have little Ledger’s bare skin showing with his mama. Doesn’t it just make those first few photos all that more authentically connected?

Kaitlyn trusted me to guide her with what I felt would look good and tell their story in the most authentic way. I took my lead from Ledger, and when he got too chilly, we put on the beautiful undershirt that his mama brought for him.

Pikes Peak View Boho Family Maternity Session

Kaitlyn and Jake, how did you two create such a beautiful baby boy? Ledger and I became fast friends during his mama’s maternity session with me in this lovely Colorado Springs location. It was a bit chilly that evening but still warm enough to have little Ledger’s bare skin showing with his mama. Doesn’t it just make those first few photos all that more authentically connected?

Kaitlyn trusted me to guide her with what I felt would look good and tell their story in the most authentic way. I took my lead from Ledger, and when he got too chilly, we put on the beautiful undershirt that his mama brought for him.

It was all so lovely and perfect and by taking my lead from Ledger, it allowed him to naturally be happy, until the end of the session, haha. He was just overwhelmed and wasn’t having it anymore. That’s when I held him and took a few of just mama and dad with that sweet baby belly. Ledger and I worked together and I made sure to make sure that he was feeling good in the neighborhood as much as I could. That’s my favorite part; leaving the littles feeling happy.

Anyway, I cannot wait to see this sweet babe and see Ledger be a big brother! Kaitlyn, I will be stalking your IG feed girl, you better believe it! Are you here on this blog thinking about booking me for your maternity session? You can reach out for maternity collection pricing and inclusions using the form linked via the button below. Come say hi!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Motherhood Session in North Cheyenne Canyon

Mamas and their sons, I cannot think of anything sweeter. This North Cheyenne Canyon motherhood session was such a nice way to start my spring sessions. Abbey and her son, Lucas, explored one of my favorite trails in the canyon on a lazy Sunday afternoon with me.

It was not long ago that my son, Ellis was this small. His hair was long and whispy and his eyes curious and full of wonder for the world around him. I can picture him perfectly in my mind. Best friend’s peanut butter and jelly t-shirt on with a dirty sticky face, ear to ear grin, his tiny teeth on parade when he laughed. He had a pretty prominent speech issue and I love it when I find videos of him singing along in his own little way. G’s become d sounds, s’s become y sounds. The rap of a toddler.

Little Lucas here, he and his mama share these same moments. Years from now, when she sees these images, she will be ushered back. Sticky hands and faces, stolen bites of candy, and pockets full of rocks. Lucas will only grow and grow and now his mama has this gallery to help her earmark some of those smaller memories that you don’t ever want to lose.

North Cheyenne Canyon Motherhood Session

Mamas and their sons, I cannot think of anything sweeter. This North Cheyenne Canyon motherhood session was such a nice way to start my spring sessions. Abbey and her son, Lucas, explored one of my favorite trails in the canyon on a lazy Sunday afternoon with me.

It was not long ago that my son, Ellis was this small. His hair was long and whispy and his eyes curious and full of wonder for the world around him. I can picture him perfectly in my mind. Best friend’s peanut butter and jelly t-shirt on with a dirty sticky face, ear to ear grin, his tiny teeth on parade when he laughed. He had a pretty prominent speech issue and I love it when I find videos of him singing along in his own little way. G’s become d sounds, s’s become y sounds. The rap of a toddler.

Little Lucas here, he and his mama share these same moments. Years from now, when she sees these images, she will be ushered back. Sticky hands and faces, stolen bites of candy, and pockets full of rocks. Lucas will only grow and grow and now his mama has this gallery to help her earmark some of those smaller memories that you don’t ever want to lose.

Photos are wonderfully powerful and taking the time to get in the frame with those little ones is such a gift to give yourself. Let me help you keep tight of those memories. I would love to work with you and your family to document the authentic love you share for each other. We can take the time and explore nature together while you are fully present with your family. Let me hang out with you and provide you with a gallery of your love at the end. You can check out the family session collections I offer by clicking the button below.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Family Photography Session in Coastal Oregon

Oh Dani, how can I even begin to write these words, my dear friend? Thank you so much for allowing me to document the authentic love that you and your family share, and on the Oregon coast no less!! This gallery is everything I could have imagined it to be; believe me, I imagined it for a long while.

Dani and I met during a Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop. She was attending the workshop herself but then also modeled with her family for one of the sessions we did as a group. Dani’s bright light of a smile just drew me in. This girl. She is the friend you didn’t know you needed. Always sweet and caring. Always smiling and ready to be kind. I am forever glad that I met her and we remained in touch.

I think that building friendships like the one I have with Dani is what I missed most about last year. The fact that I didn’t get to attend any workshops made me super sad and missing my friends something fierce. Being able to once again snuggle up with the people I love and do all the things together is going to be such a lovely reality soon. I can just feel it.

Authentic Connection Coastal Oregon Family Session

Oh Dani, how can I even begin to write these words, my dear friend? Thank you so much for allowing me to document the authentic love that you and your family share, and on the Oregon coast no less!! This gallery is everything I could have imagined it to be; believe me, I imagined it for a long while.

Dani and I met during a Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop. She was attending the workshop herself but then also modeled with her family for one of the sessions we did as a group. Dani’s bright light of a smile just drew me in. This girl. She is the friend you didn’t know you needed. Always sweet and caring. Always smiling and ready to be kind. I am forever glad that I met her and we remained in touch.

I think that building friendships like the one I have with Dani is what I missed most about last year. The fact that I didn’t get to attend any workshops made me super sad and missing my friends something fierce. Being able to once again snuggle up with the people I love and do all the things together is going to be such a lovely reality soon. I can just feel it.

I want to touch on one more thing, and only because Dani brought it up after our time together. Imposter syndrome. She was actually worried that her family wasn’t as pretty as someone else’s family, WHAT?! She actually wrote those words, friends. Hello? Babe. Have you seen you? Not only are you a beautifully lovely person in your heart, but you also have the most pretty face and I want to squeeze you. Please, look at the gallery below. You are not an imposter and this gallery is life, Dani.

Are you here reading this sweet ode to my friend and thinking something similar yourself? Like you can’t get family photos done because you THINK you aren’t XYZ? Staaaaap it. Right. Now. Each family is different and unique. Each family and beautiful in its own authentic way. The love you share with the people you love is what makes or breaks your session; not how pretty you think (or don’t think) you. If you show up with that love in tow, I promise you a gallery full of authentically soulful moments between you and your fam bam.

Want to hang out with me? I am here for it and I want to hang out with you too! My summer is already starting to book up quickly and I cannot wait to see all the beautiful families and play in some new places. This year has been my busiest year yet and I cannot express my gratitude with enough appreciation for all of those who choose me to document their authentic moments. I can’t wait to document yours too!

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Oregon Coast Family Photography Session with Colorado Based Photographer

This family photography session on the coast in Oregon was goals for me, friends. I actually got to photograph two families on this beach on the same weekend while taking my daughter on her 16th birthday road trip and it was glorious. Bristin and her crew are one of those families that I got to hang out within Colorado but then the military took it away, haha. That happens a lot in Colorado Springs with it being home to several military installations.

I try to always find the good parts of what feels like a sad situation, like when families move away. I think the biggest perk when this happens is traveling to them! I LOVE traveling and seeing new spaces and most of all, I love seeing old friends and documenting their authenticity in their new home.

Coastal Oregon Family Session with Colorado Based Travel Photographer

This family photography session on the coast in Oregon was goals for me, friends. I actually got to photograph two families on this beach on the same weekend while taking my daughter on her 16th birthday road trip and it was glorious. Bristin and her crew are one of those families that I got to hang out with in Colorado but then the military took it away, haha. That happens a lot in Colorado Springs with it being home to several military installations.

I try to always find the good parts of what feels like a sad situation, like when families move away. I think the biggest perk when this happens is traveling to them! I LOVE traveling and seeing new spaces and most of all, I love seeing old friends and documenting their authenticity in their new home.

I have wanted to photograph a family on this coastal Oregon beach for over two years. The first time I ever journeyed there was with my lovely friends during a Dear Photographer Elevate + Grow Workshop. Space, the people, the weather, the plants, and small insect friends, I fell head over heels in love. Don’t get me wrong, I love our Colorado mountains (and showing all my vacationing clients an amazing time in them) but there is nothing quite like experiencing something new for yourself.

This session and time with friends was a restart to my heart. I truly enjoy my job and every one I get to meet and spend time with but there is something extra special and freeing about just letting it all go and being fluid in the moments you are in. I can pretty much predict what will happen at a family session in Colorado. At this new space, there were things to discover around every corner. Caves, rocks, the ocean, the pines. Who knows, maybe one day we will make the move to Oregon and play with families on this beach often.

Traveling away also allows you to revisit the appreciation you have for where you live. Our mountains are breathtaking and I need to remind myself that they are always majestic. Who knows what my future will hold or where I will live. I just know that wherever that is, it will be filled with nature and earth and good friends.

Are you a past client of mine reading this? Please know that I MISS you with my whole heart. I loved getting to know you while you were in the Springs AND I would love to still hang out with you in your new space too! Let me come to you. Show me around?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Rocky Mountain Foothills Family Photography Session

This family photography session in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains was goals. Charlie, her mom, and Mitch traveled to Colorado for a spring break birthday trip for not only Charlie but also for Mitch. Kirsten wanted to document the authentic love their small family unit held.

Kirsten and Mitch have a story full of love lost and rediscovered. Mitch and Kirsten have known each other since they were teenagers. Even getting matching tattoos at some point in their past (scroll down, they are there in all their glory). Mitch has been in Charlie’s life for a while now and she wanted to document them in the space that they are in. Happy, healthy, and full of love for each other.

Vacationing Family Photography Session in Foothills of Colorado Springs Rocky Mountains

This family photography session in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains was goals. Charlie, her mom, and Mitch traveled to Colorado for a spring break birthday trip for not only Charlie but also for Mitch. Kirsten wanted to document the authentic love their small family unit held.

Kirsten and Mitch have a story full of love lost and rediscovered. Mitch and Kirsten have known each other since they were teenagers. Even getting matching tattoos at some point in their past (scroll down, they are there in all their glory). Mitch has been in Charlie’s life for a while now and she wanted to document them in the space that they are in. Happy, healthy, and full of love for each other.

Charlie is such a free little spirit. Wild with the wind but also shy and sensitive. She is a beautiful example of imagination and what it looks like to be loved by those around you. I remember when we did our video call (I schedule one with everyone that books a session with me), she was so lively, showing me all the fun things in her car. All I know is that she and her mama have a Harry Styles hanging air freshener and that’s good enough for me, haha.

I am over the moon happy for Kirsten and Charlie. They deserve all the love and care and devotion from someone who loves them fiercely. If you scroll down to the bottom of this post, I think you’ll find out that Mitch is calling that role his own. Congratulations friends. I am looking forward to seeing how your beautiful family combines and grows into something magnificent and strong.

Are you here on this blog post because you are thinking of working with a family photographer? Your session can be just what you want it to be, no matter your family dynamics or size. Let me hold your hand through picking the perfect location and wardrobe planning. My session guide is the perfect tool to really understanding what your session will be like and how we can work together to create a gallery that you will love your whole life.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Weather Worries During Your Colorado Springs Family Photography Session

Sweet friends and this mama’s hair give me life. We met up for their family session in one of my most chosen spots in Colorado Springs for some adventuring and snuggles. I can tell that all of Lesha’s boys love her to the moon and back. What a life to live.

I love when families take a break from their busy vacation life to spend some time with me documenting the love and authentic connections they share. This family came to visit me from Missouri and braved the cold Colorado air. Colorado can be unpredictable with the weather but there is one thing that I know, regardless of what the weather was the day before, there is a 90% chance that the next day will be sunny.

I know it seems like a funny thing to write a blog post about however, questions about the weather come through my inbox often. What do we do if it rains? If it snows? For my local families, this does not pose a big issue, most likely we can move your session date to a new date and roll with it. When I work with vacationing families and couples, that question becomes a tad bit more important.

Colorado Springs Weather and Your Family

Photography Session

Sweet friends and this mama’s hair give me life. We met up for their family session in one of my most chosen spots in Colorado Springs for some adventuring and snuggles. I can tell that all of Lesha’s boys love her to the moon and back. What a life to live.

I love when families take a break from their busy vacation life to spend some time with me documenting the love and authentic connections they share. This family came to visit me from Missouri and braved the cold Colorado air. Colorado can be unpredictable with the weather but there is one thing that I know, regardless of what the weather was the day before, there is a 90% chance that the next day will be sunny.

I know it seems like a funny thing to write a blog post about however, questions about the weather come through my inbox often. What do we do if it rains? If it snows? For my local families, this does not pose a big issue, most likely we can move your session date to a new date and roll with it. When I work with vacationing families and couples, that question becomes a tad bit more important.

We are lucky here in Colorado Springs. I live in a unique area that is considered a high desert. What does this mean? That we get a whole lot of sunshine and warm weather nearly every day. Is it warm all day? Nope. Not even close. Most days start off a bit chilly with a nice warm-up in the middle and then back to chilly in the evening. That means that we don’t keep much of the snow we get, it melts and soaks into the ground. Up in the mountains, the snow sticks around much longer but not down here. It’s perfect. It means that more than likely, even if we JUST had a snow storm, the weather for your session is going to be good enough to make it happen still. I love it here. Colorado, you are good to me. Friends, come see me, we can explore together!

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

In Home Family Newborn Session in Southern Colorado

This is my second time hanging out with Miss Addison, her mama, and her daddy. This time, however, she got to introduce me to her new baby brother, Hudson. I traveled down to Canon City, Colorado to document in their home now that Hudson had arrived with a Lifestyle Newborn Session.

When I walked up to their home, I knew I wanted to grab an item from nature nearby to incorporate into the session. I asked Sarah for some scissors and snipped a few branches from their pine tree in the front yard. I could hear Addison inside talking and when they opened the door she was very excited to show me around her home.

Lifestyle Southern Colorado In Home Newborn Session

This is my second time hanging out with Miss Addison, her mama, and her daddy. This time, however, she got to introduce me to her new baby brother, Hudson. I traveled down to Canon City, Colorado to document in their home now that Hudson had arrived with a Lifestyle Newborn Session.

When I walked up to their home, I knew I wanted to grab an item from nature nearby to incorporate into the session. I asked Sarah for some scissors and snipped a few branches from their pine tree in the front yard. I could hear Addison inside talking and when they opened the door she was very excited to show me around her home.

When I arrive at a client’s home for their newborn session, I love to look around in all the rooms to find the best light. I might move things around as I did for this session in order to harness that beautiful light in the pockets I find. Don’t worry if you feel like your home doesn’t have β€œgreat light” like Sarah tried telling me. Girl! Your home has beautiful light in all the right places, so stop that noise right now! πŸ–€

Trusting me to come into your home is a big deal. I want to make sure that you know how much I appreciate your comfortability with me and also appreciate the authentic love I see between you and your people in your own space. Growing a family is special business. Family is what connects the world and keeps it going. Moments like these will forever be the pinnacles on which life stands.

Want to have me come hang out with you and your crew too? You can check out information on my newborn session via the button below. Come say hi!

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