Fort Collins In-Home Newborn Photography Session
Being a twin mama is special. I know because I am also a twin mama. Though I didn’t birth my two beautiful babies myself, I thank their mama for doing that hard work for me. With the marriage to my wonderful husband, brought three bonus kiddos into my life, Ethan, Emma, and Jack.
Like Emma and Jack, Clara and Henry get to grow up together. Built-in best friends from the start. Growing together in their mother’s womb, they have known and will continue to know each other as no one else can. Mallory, you are a rock star. Brian, you are that hands-on dad that women need in their lives after the birth of their babe, and in this case, babes. Give yourselves both a huge hug and pat on the back for me. Twins are double the trouble, diapers, feeding, waking up, and just everything. You are doing it with grace and love.
Mallory and Brian live up near Fort Collins and I am located down in Colorado Springs. The day before their session, the Denver traffic worry got to me. Would I make it to our appointment on time? Would I get stuck in traffic? Would there be car issues? All of it started to weigh down on me. I reached out to Mallory and let her know I was going to stay the night in a nearby hotel that evening so I could be there, and be on time. Without missing a beat, she so selflessly offered to cover my stay at the hotel. I have never had anyone offer to do that and I was beside myself. What a kind and gracious thing even though she will tell me a million times over, “ it was nothing”. It might have been nothing to you, but your act was amazing and it totally made my evening. I truly appreciated it. Truly.
Mallory and Brian warmly welcomed me into their home. The babies were nestled in their little pillows fast asleep. We chatted like old friends and then we started their session. Those babes. So perfect. So sweetly sleeping. Mallory, a gentle mother, and Brian, a proud and doting father. It was lovely and I am so glad I got to take part in these first days they shared with their two sweet loves.
My clients usually become my friends and then they soon, with the help of social media, and the insight I can see into their lives, become more like family than anything else. I love that about my job. It’s more than just taking photos. They trust me, fully, to come into their lives and document those moments for them so they can also be in the frame. To say, “yes, I was there”. It is very special to me in the most profound way and I am thankful for them. They are what makes my business what it is. A gem in my heart. The release of stress from the world. A peek into the lives of so many and I cherish it.