Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

First Time Mama Newborn Session in Colorado Springs

I am so lucky to have been able to visit with this family during their in home newborn session in Colorado Springs, Colorado. As I sit here, surrounded by the breathtaking vistas of Colorado, I find myself immersed in the awe-inspiring journey of motherhood - not just my own, but the journey of a remarkable client who recently welcomed a precious addition to her family. Today, I want to share a glimpse into her extraordinary chapter of life and how it has inspired my work as a photographer.

Welcoming a new life into the world is a momentous occasion, filled with overwhelming love and boundless joy. For this lovely mama, the journey into motherhood has been a tapestry of emotions, each moment more precious than the last. From the first flutter of life in her belly to the tender first cries of her newborn, she has experienced a depth of love that knows no bounds.

Colorado Springs First Time Mama In Home Newborn Session

I am so lucky to have been able to visit with this family during their in home newborn session in Colorado Springs, Colorado. As I sit here, surrounded by the breathtaking vistas of Colorado, I find myself immersed in the awe-inspiring journey of motherhood - not just my own, but the journey of a remarkable client who recently welcomed a precious addition to her family. Today, I want to share a glimpse into her extraordinary chapter of life and how it has inspired my work as a photographer.

Welcoming a new life into the world is a momentous occasion, filled with overwhelming love and boundless joy. For this lovely mama, the journey into motherhood has been a tapestry of emotions, each moment more precious than the last. From the first flutter of life in her belly to the tender first cries of her newborn, she has experienced a depth of love that knows no bounds.

As her photographer, I have had the privilege of witnessing the magic of motherhood unfold. The pure bliss of holding her newborn in her arms, each photograph tells a story of love, resilience, and unwavering devotion.

In the gentle curve of her baby's cheek and the sparkle in her eyes as she gazes upon her little one, I see the sheer wonder of motherhood reflected back at me. It's a journey marked by sleepless nights and endless feedings, but also by moments of pure enchantment - the first smile, the first giggle, the first time her baby wraps tiny fingers around hers.

As your photographer, my goal is to preserve these fleeting moments in time, capturing the essence of motherhood in all its raw beauty. From the soft glow of early morning light as mother and baby snuggle together in bed to the laughter shared between family members during a newborn session, each image is a testament to the profound bond between mother and child.

To this new mama, and to all the new mothers out there, I want to express my deepest gratitude for allowing me to be a part of your journey. Your strength, your love, and your unwavering dedication inspire me every day, and it is an honor to capture the magic of motherhood. May these photographs serve as a timeless reminder of the incredible journey you are on, and may they bring you joy and comfort for years to come.

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Maternity, Newborn Sandy Patterson Maternity, Newborn Sandy Patterson

Three Reasons You Should Book Your Maternity and Newborn Sessions Together

Erin and Bobby met with me for both their maternity and their newborn sessions. We explored Cheyenne Canyon for their maternity session and then snuggled up in their home for my time with baby Sawyer. I love working with clients through their life stories. Engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn, family, and then back through the cycle with each new babe. Seeing their family change and grow. From being madly in love to seeing how amazing your partner is at growing a whole person (and an organ, thank you), to holding that babe in your arms, to chasing them around on the mountainside, I want to be there for it all. I want to build that relationship with you. It’s not just about photography. It’s about your heart (and mine).

Let me tell you a story about this girl. This sweet mama here. She booked her newborn session with me and I was so excited to see babe when they arrived. Fast forward to a few months after she booked the newborn session, her husband, Bobby, reached out to me. Turns out Erin tried to take her own maternity photos and it just wasn’t what she envisioned. Bobby wanted to know if I could sneak them in last minute. Yasssssssss is almost always my answer when its past clients (I also did their couples photos) AND babies are involved because I love them so.

Why Booking Your Maternity and Newborn Sessions Together is Smart

Erin and Bobby met with me for both their maternity and their newborn sessions. We explored Cheyenne Canyon for their maternity session and then snuggled up in their home for my time with baby Sawyer. I love working with clients through their life stories. Engagement, wedding, maternity, newborn, family, and then back through the cycle with each new babe. Seeing their family change and grow. From being madly in love to seeing how amazing your partner is at growing a whole person (and an organ, thank you), to holding that babe in your arms, to chasing them around on the mountainside, I want to be there for it all. I want to build that relationship with you. It’s not just about photography. It’s about your heart (and mine).

Let me tell you a story about this girl. This sweet mama here. She booked her newborn session with me and I was so excited to see babe when they arrived. Fast forward to a few months after she booked the newborn session, her husband, Bobby, reached out to me. Turns out Erin tried to take her own maternity photos and it just wasn’t what she envisioned. Bobby wanted to know if I could sneak them in last minute. Yasssssssss is almost always my answer when its past clients (I also did their couples photos) AND babies are involved because I love them so.

Bobby let me know that he wanted to surprise Erin with this session and we met up at a Starbucks and he picked up a gift card. Fast forward to our session, Erin got to wear a beautiful dress I had just picked up from Reclamation Design and she wore it like a damn queen with that mama's belly and her gorgeous hair (I am just a tad jealous). It was nice to catch up with them both during this time together and also via their video call to prepare to come to their home for their newborn session. All of the extra time together just made it that much more special and natural for me when sweet Sawyer arrived.

Okay, I did say I would give ya’ll three reasons you should book your maternity and newborn session together….here they are:

  1. You get to foster a relationship with someone who is going to be getting pretty intimate with you during your newborn session. It is so nice to be able to get to know them beforehand (it’s nice for me to get to know you too!!)

  2. You can be confident that you will get the same quality of service and the same style of images from your photographer. Hello, super pretty wall art spreads!

  3. You get a discount! When you book your sessions together, the photographer most likely will offer you a discount (I do, you can request a proposal below to check out the details).

Super easy list of some things you might not think matter but I promise, connecting with the person who is documenting your connection is the best way to get those “feel good” images that evoke emotion and depth in your soul. I would love to work through your life journey with you. Want to share those moments with me so I can give them back to you in a gallery you will love? Let’s connect!

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

Travel Lifestyle Newborn Session in Arkansas with Colorado Photographer

I was lucky enough to travel to Arkansas and spend time with this sweet family to document their new baby boy, Knight with an in-home newborn session. David and Shereka were so welcoming when I arrived at their home. They let me do my thing by finding great little pockets of light throughout their home and I think that the spots I found worked perfectly for this session.

Their home was quite dark with little natural light access. I found some light by their backdoor out of their bedroom and also in a bathroom by the window, a lovely spot in one of their older sons’ rooms that I could use, as well as a nice shaded area between their garage and house. I moved around some furniture and set it up for making use of the light that I had. It was perfect.

Newborn Lifestyle Session in Arkansas with Traveling Colorado Photographer

I was lucky enough to travel to Arkansas and spend time with this sweet family to document their new baby boy, Knight with an in-home newborn session. David and Shereka were so welcoming when I arrived at their home. They let me do my thing by finding great little pockets of light throughout their home and I think that the spots I found worked perfectly for this session.

Their home was quite dark with little natural light access. I found some light by their backdoor out of their bedroom and also in a bathroom by the window, a lovely spot in one of their older sons’ rooms that I could use, as well as a nice shaded area between their garage and house. I moved around some furniture and set it up for making use of the light that I had. It was perfect.

Why am I telling you all of this? I want you to see that even if you don’t feel that your home will do well for a newborn session, I can help find those sweet spots and have the end results look just as amazing as these images here. For those first few images, we are snuggled up against the backdoor you see if that slideshow image above this text. I used that natural light to highlight mama and babe and the bedroom in the background is turned into an afterthought with the dark lighting. We will make it work, no matter what we are working with. Promise.

Have you been pondering a newborn session? Don’t feel like you can’t have one because of your space or available light. Let me take care of that for you! Don’t worry about it and just let all that stress go and focus on letting me capture some of these beautiful moments that you’ll want to remember. Talk soon!

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs In Home Newborn Session

I got to work with Lauran and Colt for their maternity session. We traveled up a crazy rough dirt road to get to an amazing spot. We got to adventure in the mountains together. When River was born, they invited me in their home to spend time with them in their element. Their home was quiet and inviting. Such sweet humans, I could feel the vibe. Calm, ever so in love with this girl they created.

In Home Newborn Session in Colorado Springs

This sweet girl was ten years on the making. Lauran and Colt finally got their little girl in October and she is everything they could have dreamed of. Their authentic love for Miss River makes my heart tug in all the good place. Thank you, mama, for allowing me to follow your pregnancy journey and then meet this beautiful daughter of yours.

I got to work with Lauran and Colt for their maternity session. We traveled up a crazy rough dirt road to get to an amazing spot. We got to adventure in the mountains together. When River was born, they invited me in their home to spend time with them in their element. Their home was quiet and inviting. Such sweet humans, I could feel the vibe. Calm, ever so in love with this girl they created.

Here are some of my favorites from my time in their home. I cannot wait to watch River grow into a lovely young lady and Lauran and Colt growing as parents.

Interested in having me come into your home and document the first few days of your child’s life? You can see information on my newborn session via the button below. Let’s chat.

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Newborn Sandy Patterson Newborn Sandy Patterson

Fort Collins In Home Newborn Session

Being a twin mama is special. I know because I am also a twin mama. Though I didn’t birth my two beautiful babies myself, I thank their mama for doing that hard work for me. With the marriage to my wonderful husband, brought three bonus kiddos into my life, Ethan, Emma, and Jack.

Like Emma and Jack, Clara and Henry get to grow up together. Built-in best friends from the start. Growing together in their mother’s womb, they have known and will continue to know each other as no one else can. Mallory, you are a rock star. Brian, you are that hands-on dad that women need in their lives after the birth of their babe, and in this case, babes. Give yourselves both a huge hug and pat on the back for me. Twins are double the trouble, diapers, feeding, waking up, and just everything. You are doing it with grace and love.

In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session in Fort Collins with Twins

Being a twin mama is special. I know because I am also a twin mama. Though I didn’t birth my two beautiful babies myself, I thank their mama for doing that hard work for me. With the marriage to my wonderful husband, brought three bonus kiddos into my life, Ethan, Emma, and Jack.

Like Emma and Jack, Clara and Henry get to grow up together. Built-in best friends from the start. Growing together in their mother’s womb, they have known and will continue to know each other as no one else can. Mallory, you are a rock star. Brian, you are that hands-on dad that women need in their lives after the birth of their babe, and in this case, babes. Give yourselves both a huge hug and pat on the back for me. Twins are double the trouble, diapers, feeding, waking up, and just everything. You are doing it with grace and love.

Mallory and Brian live up near Fort Collins and I am located down in Colorado Springs. The day before their session, the Denver traffic worry got to me. Would I make it to our appointment on time? Would I get stuck in traffic? Would there be car issues? All of it started to weigh down on me. I reached out to Mallory and let her know I was going to stay the night in a nearby hotel that evening so I could be there, and be on time. Without missing a beat, she so selflessly offered to cover my stay at the hotel. I have never had anyone offer to do that and I was beside myself. What a kind and gracious thing even though she will tell me a million times over, “ it was nothing”. It might have been nothing to you, but your act was amazing and it totally made my evening. I truly appreciated it. Truly.

Mallory and Brian warmly welcomed me into their home. The babies were nestled in their little pillows fast asleep. We chatted like old friends and then we started their session. Those babes. So perfect. So sweetly sleeping. Mallory, a gentle mother, and Brian, a proud and doting father. It was lovely and I am so glad I got to take part in these first days they shared with their two sweet loves.

My clients usually become my friends and then they soon, with the help of social media, and the insight I can see into their lives, become more like family than anything else. I love that about my job. It’s more than just taking photos. They trust me, fully, to come into their lives and document those moments for them so they can also be in the frame. To say, “yes, I was there”. It is very special to me in the most profound way and I am thankful for them. They are what makes my business what it is. A gem in my heart. The release of stress from the world. A peek into the lives of so many and I cherish it.

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session in Colorado Springs

There is something special about being second-born. You have a built-in playmate. A friend for life. That is what Rhett can provide, even at such a young age. Someone for Ray to always look up to, his big brother. To get into trouble with, to pick flowers with for mama. To hatch secret plans and complete crazy antics with.

Colorado Springs In Home Lifestyle Newborn Session

What a sweet boy. Baby Ray.

Babies are so small and depend on their family right from the moment they are conceived to protect and care for them. Mother’s carry them in their womb and nourish their bodies until they are ready to come earthside where that care and love continues on.

There is something special about being second-born. You have a built-in playmate. A friend for life. That is what Rhett can provide, even at such a young age. Someone for Ray to always look up to, his big brother. To get into trouble with, to pick flowers with for mama. To hatch secret plans and complete crazy antics with.

I grew up without siblings in my home. I feel like I missed out on what that feels like, so I can only guess. My children have siblings and I am thankful that, like baby Ray, they get to experience unending love (and a little bit of mischief) from those that are the closest to them.

Sibling love. There is nothing quite like it.

I met with Ray’s mama and daddy (and big brother Rhett too!) when Ray was still growing big and strong inside of his mother’s womb. I got to know their family and who they are before coming into their home space and visiting with Ray for the first time. It was special to be given that gift and trust by his mama. Thank you, Stephanie. I appreciate you.

Here are some of my favorites from our time together with your sweet boy. Enjoy mama.

For those of you reading this and thinking about doing the same, booking a newborn session, or even a maternity newborn bundle with me, what is stopping you? How can I help you? Convince you? Challenge you? These images are ones that can never be recreated. They just can’t. You can’t turn back time, no matter what Chers says (ha). Let’s get together and document your pregnancy and birth of that sweet babe. Invite into your life and home. Let’s be friends. Let me journey with you?

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

At Home Family Session in Black Forest Colorado

I loved documenting this celebration of her first trip around the sun. I feel like family and I am thankful for that. When I get to work with families over the course of years, we grow together and it just feels so darn good. I cannot wait to watch Miss Amelia grow in an amazing person.

Black Forest Family Session with Colorado Springs Photographer

I remember the day I met Paul. I was working for the Quad Innovation Partnership and my client was the Better Business Bureau and the Colorado Institute for Social Impact. I had a desk in their office and Paul was the new guy. I remember him always being super kind and thoughtful. He was always smiling.

Fast forward a few months later and Paul and his then partner Dave reached out to me to photograph their wedding. It was amazing and full of love and family. At the time, Paul and Dave were trying to adopt. Shortly after their wedding, I found out that they were chosen to be the dads to a baby girl they named Amelia.

I have watched Amelia grow with her “dada’s” over the past year and I can tell you, she has the sweetest life. She is smart and kind and did I mention smart? She said my name during our session together several times, and each time, my heart was SO full.

I loved documenting this celebration of her first trip around the sun. I feel like family and I am thankful for that. When I get to work with families over the course of years, we grow together and it just feels so darn good. I cannot wait to watch Miss Amelia grow in an amazing person.

Interested in working with me to document your love? I would love to connect. Click the button below to check out family session information. Push play on the slideshow above to see what a session with me could look like and check out my favorites from their session below.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

COVID-19 Strength with Rainbows in Colorado Springs

Neighborhood rainbow hunts are something communities across the world are doing in order to spread love and hope for all that pass by. Yesterday, we rolled up our sleeves to spread joy and happiness. Our twins (I am a bonus mama to them, did you know that?), Emma and Jack painted their own versions of happiness with rainbows. Here is their love for you during this COVIS-19 mess.

Spreading Rainbow Love During COVID-19

What strange and stressful times we are in the thick of right now. Each day brings news of more sickness and we are all praying for and end to this madness. We are lucky. We are not sick. We are not completely broke (yet) and we have our family to hold onto.

Neighborhood rainbow hunts are something communities across the world are doing in order to spread love and hope for all that pass by. Yesterday, we rolled up our sleeves to spread joy and happiness. Our twins (I am a bonus mama to them, did you know that?), Emma and Jack painted their own versions of happiness with rainbows. Here is their love for you during this COVID-19 mess.

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

In Home Newborn Session in Colorado Springs

Janine and her family were so kind to allow me to come into their home just days after sweet Mia was born. Their connection was palpable and their adventurous spirit was alive. Baby Mia will grow up in a home filled with genuine connection and love, there is nothing better that I can think of. Janine, thank you for trusting me to document this celebration of life with your baby girl. Girl, you guys are so beautiful.

Newborn In Home Session with the Mullins Family

I made a few goals at the beginning of the year. One of which was to photograph more in-home newborn sessions. Particularly ones with older siblings. 2020 opened right out of the gate with this beautifully crafted in-home session to celebrate the birth of Baby Mia. Big brothers Liam and Bro bro were clearly smitten with their new baby sister. One of my favorite images from our time together is one where Liam is looking at his little brother who is looking at their baby sister. You can see in Liams eyes and his smile that, even if he doesn’t know it or understand it yet, he is proud of his little brother. He finally gets to be a big brother too. So darn sweet.

Janine and her family were so kind to allow me to come into their home just days after sweet Mia was born. Their connection was palpable and their adventurous spirit was alive. Baby Mia will grow up in a home filled with genuine connection and love, there is nothing better that I can think of. Janine, thank you for trusting me to document this celebration of life with your baby girl. Girl, you guys are so beautiful.

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Family, Newborn Sandy Patterson Family, Newborn Sandy Patterson

Colorado Springs Newborn Photographer Williams Family Welcomes Baby K

It was just a few short days after Colorado Springs endured a blizzard and the side roads were still partly covered in ice that I made my way to the cozy home of Kristen and Mark to meet their sweet baby, Mr. K. Born at St. Francis Medical Center the week prior, the family was settling into their new routine. I was invited to document the love that was abound. Upon arriving, Kristens dad, Grandpa Dean, welcomed me inside and I could tell this session would be one for the books. Lovely light, lovely family and the sweetest, most perfect boy. The Williams’ home was warm and full of the kind of love you look for in story books.

Williams Family Welcomes Baby K In Home Newborn Session in Colorado

On ne voit bien qu'avec le cœur. L'essentiel est invisible pour les yeux.

It is only with the heart that one can see rightly. What is essential is invisible to the eye.

It was just a few short days after Colorado Springs endured a blizzard and the side roads were still partly covered in ice that I made my way to the cozy home of Kristen and Mark to meet their sweet baby, Mr. K. Born at St. Francis Medical Center the week prior, the family was settling into their new routine. I was invited to document the love that was abound. Upon arriving, Kristens dad, Grandpa Dean, welcomed me inside and I could tell this session would be one for the books. Lovely light, lovely family and the sweetest, most perfect boy. The Williams’ home was warm and full of the kind of love you look for in story books. Calmly, Kristen and Mark cradled their sweet son and you could just see the love radiate from their souls. Moose, their ever so much loved cat, was never too far behind as we moved from room to room in their home. She was curious who this person was taking photos of her boy. Ever watchful and protective.

I was so excited to get back home and edit the images of the love I witnessed. Eager to share with them what I see when I look at them. Overjoyed with love and peace, I said a goodbye to the family and made the journey back to my computer to bring their story to life. The story of a beautiful and perfect baby boy.

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Personal Project Sandy Patterson Personal Project Sandy Patterson

Mama Ain’t Got No Green Thumb

Trying to figure out how to grow green plants in Colorado was a journey to say the least.

Trying to Grow Plants with No Green Thumb


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