Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Colorado Family Photography Session Creative Flow

I get to see Candice and her family about once a year, when we do a new family session for them, usually in the fall. Candice is a photographer in Colorado Springs too, you can find her work on her page here. This woman is amazing, she always hypes me up and is kind in her words and actions. I am thankful that we get to be part of the same tribe. Each year, I have the distinct privilege of documenting her children as they blossom and develop into their unique selves, and it’s deeply rewarding to witness both their growth and the continual deepening of the friendship with Candice over time.

Utilizing a location that I hadn’t used much and that Candice frequently incorporated into her artistic work allowed me to see it from a fresh and inspiring perspective, which not only sparked my creativity but also infused the entire session with vibrant energy. The delightful blend of familiar faces in a new and exciting setting made for a memorable evening with the sunset at Castlewood Canyon, and I genuinely look forward to seeing how this beautiful location continues to evolve. The creativity that flows when the energy is just right can’t be manufactured and this was one of those nights when it was all sparkly and gold.

Creative Flow During a Colorado Family Photography Session

I get to see Candice and her family about once a year, when we do a new family session for them, usually in the fall. Candice is a photographer in Colorado Springs too, you can find her work on her page here. This woman is amazing, she always hypes me up and is kind in her words and actions. I am thankful that we get to be part of the same tribe. Each year, I have the distinct privilege of documenting her children as they blossom and develop into their unique selves, and it’s deeply rewarding to witness both their growth and the continual deepening of the friendship with Candice over time.

Utilizing a location that I hadn’t used much and that Candice frequently incorporated into her artistic work allowed me to see it from a fresh and inspiring perspective, which not only sparked my creativity but also infused the entire session with vibrant energy. The delightful blend of familiar faces in a new and exciting setting made for a memorable evening with the sunset at Castlewood Canyon, and I genuinely look forward to seeing how this beautiful location continues to evolve. The creativity that flows when the energy is just right can’t be manufactured and this was one of those nights when it was all sparkly and gold.

New locations are a great way for me to flex my creative brain. I love all of my locations, even the ones that I visit several times a month but there is something about being someplace new. New smells, new sights, new rocks, trees, and flowers to explore and discover. There is a big part of me (probably the biggest part if I am honest) that is a kid, and the kid wants to be set free. New settings out in nature allow that energy in me to flow freely and it shows through in the work, it makes me pretty happy too. That’s what ultimately makes for a great time, for me at least. I am lucky to get to hang out with amazing souls in amazing places.

Want to hang out with me in someplace that you love too? Hit me up and we can plan a time together that you and your crew can really sink into.

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Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson Newborn, Family Sandy Patterson

Castlewood Canyon Newborn Creek Session

Ashley and her crew were so beautiful to hang out with during this newborn session to celebrate baby Drew (and Ashley!) in the creek at Castlewood Canyon. If you venture just a little bit farther downstream there is a beautiful part of the creek that is perfect for splashing and exploring, without feeling too overwhelmed with littles in/near the water. Easy enough to get to for this new mama while carrying her newborn and her small boys. This is just the second time I have used this location and I can already tell it will be one I will travel to often in the years to come. I’m okay with that.

Baby Drew was a few weeks old during our time together. Colorado weather kept doing its thing and we had to change our date a few times. By the time we met, Ashely and her crew were in a beautiful groove with their new family member. The dance of being a new parent is one I think we quickly forget. It is a mesmerizing flow of love and trust, sacrifice and selflessness, empathy and humility. It is a gift to be able to watch families grow and transform from their small nests, to place roots like trees in the ground and become sturdy forms, strong in the winds of the world. Growing those little babes into strong, just, tolerant people is hard work. Ashley and Bryan you guys are doing it right.

Newborn Family Session in Castlewood Canyon

Ashley and her crew were so beautiful to hang out with during this newborn session to celebrate baby Drew (and Ashley!) in the creek at Castlewood Canyon. If you venture just a little bit farther downstream there is a beautiful part of the creek that is perfect for splashing and exploring, without feeling too overwhelmed with littles in/near the water. Easy enough to get to for this new mama while carrying her newborn and her small boys. This is just the second time I have used this location and I can already tell it will be one I will travel to often in the years to come. I’m okay with that.

Baby Drew was a few weeks old during our time together. Colorado weather kept doing its thing and we had to change our date a few times. By the time we met, Ashely and her crew were in a beautiful groove with their new family member. The dance of being a new parent is one I think we quickly forget. It is a mesmerizing flow of love and trust, sacrifice and selflessness, empathy and humility. It is a gift to be able to watch families grow and transform from their small nests, to place roots like trees in the ground and become sturdy forms, strong in the winds of the world. Growing those little babes into strong, just, tolerant people is hard work. Ashley and Bryan you guys are doing it right.

I loved our time together in the canyon. Ashley, her boys, and their sweet Golden, Sadie, put in the steps with me and we created a gallery they can cherish forever. I would love to connect with you and your family, in whatever stage that looks like, to document the moments that matter to you. Be it a quiet creek or a vast mountain side, I promise, I will be there, ready to make time stop and show you that love you hold in your hearts for each other.

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Family Sandy Patterson Family Sandy Patterson

Castlewood Canyon Creek Family Session

This creek family session in the center of Castlewood Canyon was made possible by this kick ass mama and some location scouting by me a few weeks ago. In Colorado, we have crazy weather where sometimes it will be lovely and warm and sunny and then, we will have a snowstorm (like this weekend, and it’s nearly June!). I have sincere love for scouting new locations, even better when I can do it with my family. My boys and I headed out on a beautiful Saturday morning for a hike someplace new. I had been to Castlewood Canyon, but not down on the trails at the bottom. Wow, that’s all I can say. Certainly, a longer hike than most all of my other locations (save a few) but, the crystal clear creek and golden light are absolutely worth the trek down to this amazing spot.

Olivia and her crew met up with me this past fall for family photos and I was over the moon to get a chance to hang out with her and her babes again. This time, with mama along too! Olivia showed up at the park with their β€œsession clothes” in tow as the hike down to the canyon bottom is a bit dirty and you need to have on hiking shoes. Ready to go, we took off down the trail. With each step, the kids were getting more and more excited to play in the water, which made me super excited too! We were all giddy to get in and play, especially Blake. That girl LIVES for the water and we have the proof right here in this gallery.

Creek Family Session at Castlewood Canyon

This creek family session in the center of Castlewood Canyon was made possible by this kick ass mama and some location scouting by me a few weeks ago. In Colorado, we have crazy weather where sometimes it will be lovely and warm and sunny and then, we will have a snowstorm (like this weekend, and it’s nearly June!). I have sincere love for scouting new locations, even better when I can do it with my family. My boys and I headed out on a beautiful Saturday morning for a hike someplace new. I had been to Castlewood Canyon, but not down on the trails at the bottom. Wow, that’s all I can say. Certainly, a longer hike than most all of my other locations (save a few) but, the crystal clear creek and golden light are absolutely worth the trek down to this amazing spot.

Olivia and her crew met up with me this past fall for family photos and I was over the moon to get a chance to hang out with her and her babes again. This time, with mama along too! Olivia showed up at the park with their β€œsession clothes” in tow as the hike down to the canyon bottom is a bit dirty and you need to have on hiking shoes. Ready to go, we took off down the trail. With each step, the kids were getting more and more excited to play in the water, which made me super excited too! We were all giddy to get in and play, especially Blake. That girl LIVES for the water and we have the proof right here in this gallery.

When you book a session with me, you get access to my client exclusive location catalog. This catalog hosts a wide variety of locations in and around Colorado Springs. On occasion, I will find a new spot like this and if it’s good enough, I will add it to the catalog, which is super exciting! I am constantly on the lookout for new spaces that show off the beauty of our state AND ones that are off the beaten path. I don’t really like crowds and I definitely don’t like taking turns to take a photo in a certain spot. Sessions just don’t flow well that way and I want everyone to feel pressure free. Anyway, let’s hang in a new spot, maybe this one? Hit a girl up.

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